Trial expired. Click her to buy.

Community Member

I got this message on my Mac desktop app and browser extensions after a year of using this with no problem. My license was gifted to me by a friend. So I never actually bought it myself. Can you possibly look in your records for my license key? Please.

1Password Version: 6.2
Extension Version: 4.5.5
OS Version: OS X 10.11.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:trial expired


  • merrickmgt
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    I think my license is [licence removed by moderator for privacy] and I have used this for a year with no problem. So, why all of a sudden?

  • merrickmgt
    Community Member

    I did just get a new computer last month and upgraded from version 3 (legacy) to the newest version. Is that why I need to purchase?

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Yes, the upgrade from 3 to 4 was paid, but the upgrade from 4 to 5 and 5 to 6 are free.

    Version 3 won't work satisfactorily on OS 10.11, so you need to upgrade. As you already have a licence for 3, there is a discount price for the upgrade.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @merrickmgt,

    See you've also contacted us via email and that some form of resolution has been reached. If you have any questions at all it may be best to continue them via email just so we don't accidentally cause any misinformation by somebody not knowing the full situation. If we can be of any assistance please let us know :smile:

    ref: KMJ-71819-773

This discussion has been closed.