Account Frozen, Can't Backup, Help Please.

Community Member

My 1Password account is frozen for some reason and the only options in getting is to pay for the app. I've had the app for over a year and have never been asked to pay for it. Is it not free anymore? Also I'm trying to back up my vault to DropBox but the way the site says to do it I can't do because there is no Sync option under settings in my app. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forums @tarra85!

    It sounds like you've signed up for either 1Password Families or 1Password Teams. Did you mean to do that? If so, the account is frozen because you haven't added a credit card, which is needed because they're both subscription services paid for monthly or annually.

    If you didn't mean to do that, you'll have to move information over from your 1Password account to some local vaults. Do you use 1Password on any other devices? The process will be much easier from 1Password for Mac, for example, than from your iPhone.

    Deciding whether or not to use 1Password Families or 1Password Teams will determine the backup method. If you use them, everything is automatically backed up to our servers. If you don't and you create a local vault, the Sync option will automagically appear on the Settings page, and you'll be able to follow the instructions you originally found :)

  • Tarra85
    Community Member

    No I didn't mean to sign up for any paid services. And no I only have 1password on my iPhone. How exactly do I create a local vault to move it all over and sync it? Thanks for responding.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @Tarra85 OK. If you don't mind me asking, did you recently delete and reinstall 1Password for iOS? I'm curious how you moved everything over to a 1Password account without knowing it. Did you have to start over with all of your data when you did so? Or was everything still there from before?

  • Tarra85
    Community Member

    I had to do a factory reset on my phone and had to redownload the app and add all my passwords back.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @tarra85 thanks for explaining that.

    So we have two options for accomplishing this move. Do you by any chance have access to a Mac? That will determine which we choose :)

  • Tarra85
    Community Member

    No I only have a Windows 10 laptop.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    @tarra85 OK. That means we'll follow these steps:

    1. Delete 1Password for iOS from your iPhone. Everything is stored on the 1Password servers so your data is safe.
    2. Reinstall 1Password for iOS on your iPhone.
    3. Choose the "Use without an account" option on the first screen and follow the instructions to create a new vault.
    4. Go to Settings > Accounts > Add Account and sign in to your 1Password account. You'll now have a Primary vault and your other vaults.
    5. Select items you wish to move over to the Primary vault and move them over. Unfortunately this has to be done one at a time.
    6. Once you've finished moving everything over, sign out of your 1Password account.

    That will make sure your information is available on your iPhone without having to worry about your 1Password account being frozen.

    Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. We're currently working to see how we might improve this process in the future :)

  • Tarra85
    Community Member

    Ok thank you I will do that.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

    Please let me know if there's anything else I can help with :)

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