After moving iOS to family account

Community Member

After moving my primary vault to the new family "personal" and "shared" vaults. My original "primary" vault is now empty, will these new vaults sync with iCloud just the same?


  • Gmackhurry
    Community Member

    Is there any reason to keep the primary vault from the free iOS app populated if I now have the 1password family account ?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Gmackhurry,

    I’ve merged your two posts together since the answers will fit nicely together - I hope you don’t mind!

    My original "primary" vault is now empty, will these new vaults sync with iCloud just the same?

    One of the benefits of the 1Password account is that you don’t have to set up third-party sync. Your new ‘family’ and ‘shared’ vaults will be synced via your 1Password account, not iCloud.

    Is there any reason to keep the primary vault from the free iOS app populated if I now have the 1password family account ?

    Once all your data is transferred into your 1Password accounts, you don’t need to keep your primary vault around. Here’s how to remove it:

    1. Confirm that all of your data is stored safely in your 1Password account.
    2. Go to 1Password’s Settings > Advanced and select ‘Reset all 1Password data’
    3. Re-open 1Password for iOS and sign in to your 1Password account.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any more questions, we’re here for you. :)

  • Gmackhurry
    Community Member

    That sounds great. Thanks for the explanation.

  • On behalf of Megan you are very welcome!


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