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COPYING and DATA mgmt: When I copy a login to another vault, does the data get updated in both ?

Community Member

When I copy a log in to another location (eg - from my personal to a shared one with my wife) do changes propagate to that folder in the other vault when changed in my personal vault, or are they two separate records managed independently moving forward. If the answer is they it does NOT propagate, how can I achieve my goal here of sharing data with my wife?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @bigbuzKev! Good question. When you copy an item to another vault, it exists separately there and changes are not synced between the vaults. Each vault has its own keyset, so the changes can't sync between them. For sharing with your wife, I'd recommend just having one copy of the item in a vault that is shared with her. Your account includes a Shared vault which you can add items to for quick sharing. You can also create a vault and give her access to it from the Admin Console:

    How to create family and team vaults and share items

    Hope that helps!

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