Is there a silent auto-updating feature?

Community Member

It's getting really old having to manually update the program. The updates are so often (thanks, by the way) that it's annoying to have to do that manually every time.

1Password Version: 6.8.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @simonstiph -- I'm not quite sure what you mean; 1Password for Mac has had the ability to check for updates automatically for quite some time. If you go to Preferences > Updates, you can click the button to have 1Password check for updates periodically. Is that what you're referring to?

  • simonstiph
    Community Member
    edited October 2017

    Hi @Lars, 1Password does automatically check for updates, but it requires the user to manually click to install the update. I propose that that should be an automatic process, at least optionally, so as not to constantly demand user attention.

    If every one of my applications did that 'Periodically', I would lose my hair :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    If every one of my applications did that 'Periodically', I would lose my hair :)

    @simonstiph: Mine do, and just look at me! :lol:

    But in all seriousness, the updates really aren't that frequent...and I'm saying that running the betas, which are much more than what you're using. There has literally been a single stable release each month since August, with a long period with none from April before then.

    It would definitely be cool to have 1Password for Mac silently update in the background. I would love that. But there are plenty of people who would not...and plenty of technical challenges to boot. We've got a great system in place on Windows now, but I don't know many Mac apps that do this. So, given that it isn't currently possible to seamlessly update 1Password for Mac (it's two parts — "main" and "mini" — so that's problematic), we do believe pretty strongly that it's better to ask the user to install the update when they're ready rather than interrupting their workflow — potentially when they're using the app. For now this is a good balance based on years of testing and user feedback, but definitely something we'd like to make even less intrusive in the future (if we can get it to happen automatically in the background). Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)

  • simonstiph
    Community Member

    @brenty Hahaha, thanks for the reply. I guess I would be unique in that I happen to have 1Password installed on multiple machines that I use in the course of my development work. Updating manually doesn't cause me much pain, so maybe I'll turn off auto-updates for the ones that aren't my primary workstations. Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @simonstiph: Welcome! ;)

    Certainly if you're on top of things and comfortable updating yourself without being nagged that's not a bad option — even if we can't in good conscience make that the default. Cheers! :)

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