PIF Export warning Document not supported

Mark Sealey
Mark Sealey
Community Member
edited May 2018 in Mac

When trying to do a standard PIF format export, version 7 now warns that it cannot complete it all (?) because some of the data is in document format, which is not (yet?) supported.

Am I understanding this correctly: what can be done at this point, please… is the remainder of the data safely exported?


1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: n/a
OS Version: 10.13.4
Sync Type: n/a

ref: BGR-58579-812


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Yes! I'm sorry for the confusion there. 1PIF is a plaintext export format, and Documents are files uploaded to a 1Password.com account, so that cannot be included in that. They can, however, be downloaded in the app and then saved locally. Cheers! :)

  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks, brenty:

    1. does everything else get saved, though, please?
    2. is there any easy way to find them from within 1P 7 to save them out first, as you suggest
    3. this is different from v.6, isn't it… I haven't seen that warning before?


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey Mark,

    I noticed you also have a conversation going with brenty in email so let’s keep that going there. I’m closing this discussion so support wires aren’t getting tangled up between both places. Cheers! :chuffed:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    1. does everything else get saved, though, please?

    Yes, everything but Documents is exported in 1PIF.

    1. is there any easy way to find them from within 1P 7 to save them out first, as you suggest

    Yep! Documents is its own category in the sidebar, between Passwords and Bank accounts. :)

    1. this is different from v.6, isn't it… I haven't seen that warning before?

    It's not a difference in the app, but in how 1Password.com accounts work compared to local vaults. Local vaults use file attachments; 1Password.com stores uploaded files as Documents.

This discussion has been closed.