Feedback on the new 1Password mini



  • HRD
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars,

    I note your comments but I am sure you will admit that the introduction of the new mini has not been handled well. I have made my points previously on this.

    I will leave it there and look forward any meaningful updates that you may or may not introduce that gives users the option of reducing the size of the mini on small screens.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @HRD - understood, and thanks for the candid and respectful dialogue on the subject. :) :+1:

  • HRD
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars,

    Just a nudge. Is there any progress on this small matter?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @HRD - nothing in the updates we've released so far. I can't really comment on any changes that might be in the works right now, largely because I probably don't know what they ARE. ;) The devs triage what they're working on based on urgency, time required and a lot of other issues, and priorities can change based on a bunch of factors as well.

  • HRD
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars,

    Noted - Priorities differ but if the devs did their work on a 12" MacBook, I am sure it will move up the queue of things to fix.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @HRD - most of us DO work on laptops, at least part of the time, but I take your point. Thanks for checking in. :)

  • quad_bx
    Community Member

    If I wasn't so annoyed by the new 1Password mini, I would have contributed to this conversation in a meaningful way, but it annoys me so much that I will only say this: I HATE it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry to hear that you're not enjoying the new 1Password mini design. We've received a lot of feedback about it -- both positive and negative -- so we'll be taking all of that into consideration as we continue to work on it.

  • HRD
    Community Member

    Hi @brenty,

    Just a nudge - is there anything developing on this small matter?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @HRD - we don't normally pre-announce upcoming changes as many factors (some beyond our control) affect them.

  • HRD
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars,

    Thanks - your reply implies that changes are on the way, which is good news.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • jaysee_au
    Community Member

    So I downloaded the latest v7 in preparation for Mojave as @brenty advised me in another thread I started that v6 won't get maintenance releases if anything breaks with 10.14.

    Have to say, I'm still not loving the mini design. For example, in v7 mini... this is the UX of autofilling a login for a site you have lots of logins for (e.g. I manage many different companies' cloud hosting).

    Compared with v6 mini... for the same default load and search...

    So... a few questions:

    1. How is it that I can't resize the (annoying that it resizes during search but oh well) left side pane for search results?? I fill by title. I don't need to parse the account details or click the account details when I'm in mini - I simply search for one of 100 items for the same site I want, select from the list of results and hit return. I have named entries so that I can search and select them based on their title with a couple of key strokes. Not being able to see the full name of the results is a deal breaker. 🤷‍♂️

    2. And related, why is there no longer a "Login Using" section at the top of mini when searching? This is markedly slower than the old way to filter out matched logins for search results.

    As a more meta comment, it's a bit scary that people are posting explicit UX concerns such as these and being told to effectively "learn to love the bigger mini". It doesn't feel like the message is getting through that there are real UX issues with the new mini - not just personal preferences and not just screen real estate (although I totally get those concerns too!).

    FYI, I have spent about 45 minutes documenting this for you and providing screenshots. Someone would only do that because they LOVE your product. I am still running v6 on all my Macs, and will keep doing so until it breaks. If mini doesn't work for me then, I will give in and do a full evaluation of all the other password managers out there.

    I use mini HUNDREDs of times a week for my work. Regardless of the "size" of the mini window, or the "position" of it, the UX regressions here are inexcusable. I can't help but agree with others that this is what happens when you don't widely test software for long enough. I can't help but feel you have made assumptions about how people use your software that just aren't broad enough.

    Yes, I agree that v7 mini is arguably 'prettier'. But unfortunately I'm going to invoke Steve Jobs and remind you that "design is how it works" not just how it looks.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks again for your feedback on this topic, and your passion for 1Password, even though you don't love everything about the current design. :)

  • rbalslev
    Community Member

    What's the current state of affairs regarding the initial challenge, making 1P mini actually "mini", like the previous version? I REALLY - REALLY - liked the old functionality where a quick little menu dropped down from the menu bar and I could just select / scroll the entry I was looking for, and then I was on my way. Now I can't find any option to avoid the pesky window which is pretty close to launching the real 1P app. I have postponed upgrade to 7 because of that until today where I heard it was possible from a colleague, but he must have misunderstood me :-(

    1. Why did you change that behaviour?
    2. Will you restore the mini dropdown behavior?
  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    I can't find any option to avoid the pesky window which is pretty close to launching the real 1P app.

    I'm not sure what you mean. 1Password mini will only open if you invoke it using your keyboard or mouse. And when you have only a single matching login for the current URL, ⌘ \ will also fill it without showing 1Password mini.

    Why did you change that behaviour?

    Most people use 1Password mini exclusively (with their browser), so exposing more functionality there benefits a large number of users.

    Will you restore the mini dropdown behavior?

    We don't have plans to. 1Password mini isn't a menu, so I'm not sure it makes sense to make it pretend like it is.

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    I just updated to 1Password 7 and... ugh. Please bring the dropdown menus back in 1password mini and the Windows browser extensions! Everything takes 3 times it took on the previous interface. That change is a huge step backward, you should leave the choice of the interface to the user instead of making such a forceful change without warning. The dropdown interface worked like a breeze. I see on this forum I am not alone thinking this.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - there's no need to post the same comment multiple times in multiple threads. In fact, doing so only slows the support times for everyone. Thanks for understanding.

  • JulienLB
    Community Member

    Noted. But I really wanted this point made. This change is really affecting the usability of 1Password. I introduced the software to my team at work, and to my family at home (we have both plans). I am interacting with people who need convincing to change their security behaviour online, and the ease of the transition to a password manager is absolutely critical. I felt at ease explaining the dropdown interface, now I am confused myself using it... and I'm not easily disturbed by software evolution, since I work on three platforms, Mac, Windows and Linux. You had a perfectly working, easy to use interface. You should give the option in the next version to activate it.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @JulienLB - thanks for the feedback.

  • CoffeeGirl
    Community Member

    As another new member to the forum - is there a way to downgrade my 1password back to the old format? I will not be renewing without the drop down menu.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @CoffeeGirl! Sorry to hear that. You can of course return to the previous version, 1Password 6 for Mac. If you need to re-download the installer, you can do that at our downloads page (under "using an older computer," near the bottom of the page). We can't recommend people do that, however, as version 6 is now in Legacy status. It's still relatively recent, but the imminent release of macOS 10.14 ("Mojave") will mark the first major OS release that version 6 will not have been updated for specifically.

  • CoffeeGirl
    Community Member

    Thank you.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • mmunyao
    Community Member

    Please help me downgrade from 7 to 6. I purchased standalone in 2016 and has been working just fine until yesterday when I upgraded to 7. It kept asking me for Secret Key and other login details which I don't have and have never needed. I only use my Master Password. I downgraded to 6 and it can't sync my account to restore my data. Someone help me to use my older version. I am on a Mac.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mmunyao: It sounds like you may be trying to login with a 1Password Account, but you will only have one if you've signed up for a membership. That’s the only way you’ll have a Secret Key or Sign In URL, or be able to access your data through Instead, you can use 1Password without an account and use your existing data. If you drag 1Password 7 to the Trash, restart your Mac, and unzip 1Password 6 in the Applications folder, you'll be back right where you started. Cheers! :)

  • mmunyao
    Community Member

    @brenty Thank you for your feedback. Kindly share with me a download link for version 6. I had deleted the previous one.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mmunyao: Ah, sure. No problem! You can grab it from the bottom of our downloads page:

    :chuffed: :+1:

  • mmunyao
    Community Member

    @brenty Thanks, I got it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome! We're here if you need anything else. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.