saving multiple fields


When I put in values for this website

My entry for this site was imported from Lastpass.

I follow the instructions here

but I don't see a new entry when I hit the gear icon and choose "Save New Login...".

This has been quite frustrating. Can someone help? Thanks.

1Password Version: 7.1.1
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.12.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables

    Hi @envoy510,

    When you select the Save New Login... option from inside 1Password mini you should be presented with a Save Login dialog where you can alter the designated vault and edit the title before saving. It isn't clear that you're seeing this so can you let me know.

    1. Do you see the Save Login dialog?
    2. Is it after clicking the Save Login button and the dialog is dismissed that you aren't finding the new Login item is in the expected vault?

    At the moment I'm hedging towards the possibility you're not seeing the dialog at all which would at least explain why you can't find the expected Login item. Instead we'll need to figure out why it isn't showing. I'll wait to hear in order to see which scenario we'll be troubleshooting.

  • envoy510
    Community Member

    I was able to find the entry in the native app, when I selected the right vault and account. The issue isn't saving the password, the issue is saving multiple things. It only saves the password.

  • littlebobbytables

    Greetings @envoy510,

    As long as the item is available in the vault that eliminates a number of areas for troubleshooting. If you have saved the Login item from the web page can you try filling for me please just to see what fields fill. For historical reasons Login items will only ever display a username and password at the top of the item when viewing it but this doesn't mean this is all that will be filled. The saved form details may contain multiple fields and if 1Password finds the page matches the Login item it will use this. This is how filling of three plus fields works. My testing of the page indicates 1Password should be able to fill that page without issue as long as the item was saved within the browser. Hopefully you find the same.

  • envoy510
    Community Member

    OK, it seems to work. Thanks for the help.

  • littlebobbytables

    Glad I could help @envoy510 :smile: If you come across any other tricky sites please let us know.

This discussion has been closed.