Opvault Conversion Errors

Community Member

Im totally confused with this opvault conversion!
I use a standalone keychain vault synced with dropbox using 1P for Windows 4 and I dont plan to update to 7.
Everytime I open the android app I get the nag message about conversion and I acknowledge the benefits of switching to opvault so I have starting looking into converting my vault, but I am having 2 main issues with the conversion.

The first issues relates to tags and folders which has been covered many times before. I understand the folders should be replaced with tags, but what I dont understand is how those tags are shown in 1PW4 - should they show as folders or not? Will there be anything in the left column or one big list I have to filter with Alt+down?
The reason I am asking this instead of trying it out is that the conversion doesnt actually seem to be working. I am exporting a 1pif file from keychain and importing into a new opvault. I still see folders on the left and nothing has tags. I can switch between the 2 vaults and I can tell they are different because of missing items - which brings me to my second point.

During the conversion many items are missing data or totally missing. There are items in my wallet such as driver license and social security number that have entries but no number fields, they are empty. The same problem exists for my identities, the entry exists but has no data at all. There are entries under accounts which are simply missing from the opvault.

Does opvault/1PW7 not support wallet,accounts or identities and why am I not seeing any tags after conversion? Is there a better way to convert instead of using the 1pif method? Is there a page or guide specifically for using an opvault in 1PW4?

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Dropbox



  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The first issues relates to tags and folders which has been covered many times before. I understand the folders should be replaced with tags, but what I dont understand is how those tags are shown in 1PW4 - should they show as folders or not? Will there be anything in the left column or one big list I have to filter with Alt+down?

    @SuperSpooner: Good questions. 1Password for Windows version 4 shows tags in a menu when you press Alt ↓ in the search box. Selecting a tag there will show you all items matching that (for the current selection in the sidebar). Tag will not show up as folders.

    The reason I am asking this instead of trying it out is that the conversion doesnt actually seem to be working. I am exporting a 1pif file from keychain and importing into a new opvault. I still see folders on the left and nothing has tags. I can switch between the 2 vaults and I can tell they are different because of missing items - which brings me to my second point.

    That's not how conversion works. What you're doing is exporting and then importing. The new 1Password for Android version 7 app will convert the vault for you automatically when you tell it to. Have you tried that? That will convert your folders to tags.

    Does opvault/1PW7 not support wallet,accounts or identities and why am I not seeing any tags after conversion? Is there a better way to convert instead of using the 1pif method? Is there a page or guide specifically for using an opvault in 1PW4?

    No recent vault versions support the legacy "Accounts" or "Wallet" designations. Identities, Logins, and Credit Cards are fully supported. When you convert your vault on Android, the old one will be left intact. And you'll just need to open the new one on Windows to access it. Let me know how it goes!

  • SuperSpooner
    Community Member

    OK I have converted using the android app and the tags have been copied over. That's all good, but there are still other inconsistencies.
    From what you are saying the identities should have been transferred too, but they are still missing all data.
    Also, one of the bank accounts didn't convert properly; its there but has no data. The other bank accounts came across OK.

    Without manually checking all 600 entries I have no confidence that everything has been converted properly as the results seem a little sporadic.

    Any other advice?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SuperSpooner: Thanks for your reply! Hmm. Indeed, Identities are definitely supported in all versions of 1Password. So I wonder if there's something about the age/formatting of the data that's causing issues in your case. If you create a new Identity, does it show up? If you duplicate the identity on a device where you can view it, does that new copy work on other devices? Simply making a small change to the original could also force the app to update its JSON. If you're still having the same issue, could you please clarify what you're seeing? If it's simpler, take a screenshot of this. To include it in your reply, simply click the document button in the top of the comment field, and select the file you wish to share:

    Just be sure not to post anything sensitive, as this is a public forum. Thanks in advance!

  • SuperSpooner
    Community Member

    I have recreated the identities and they save fine in the opvault and sync over.
    The same goes for the driver license, social security numbers and bank accounts that didn't convert across. I recreated them and they save and sync.
    The wallet items confuses me because you say they are not supported yet I can save and sync them in the opvault in 1PW4.
    Is the only complication that 1PW7 wont read them in?

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I updated to new version 7.0.4 then my file was converted to optvault.. now i Only have few contacts and passwd.
    I i tried to log in on older version of thre app i have alsi just new optvault with few contacts..

    I lost all data or what can i do to get data back? its important

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PowerUser: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you try what I suggested above? Keep in mind that your original vault is still intact unless you destroyed it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @SuperSpooner: I agree. The "Wallet" grouping was confusing. That's why we ditched it. There never was a "Wallet" item category/type; this was simply a grouping of other categories, like Credit Cards, Identities, Bank Accounts, etc. 1Password for Windows version 4 is simply displaying information the way it was designed to. No recent apps use that setup though.

    I'm glad you were able to recreate the items. I'm sorry that you needed to. We'll continue looking into what other differences we may need to account for with legacy data.

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I can create new identity and save it..sync also ok.
    But when I updated my app and file was converted to optvault I lost my data. How can get it back? I didn't delete anything so old files must be there.. but how to activate them? Old files are not recognised ..Now just optvault which is almost empty

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    Can I revert the new file To old one? Or direct activate old again?

  • SuperSpooner
    Community Member

    Are you syncing with Dropbox?
    The way I went back to the old keychain vault was to rename the opvault in Dropbox, uninstall and reinstall the android app. It picks up the keychain vault after the reinstall.
    I presume its the same with other cloud services too, but if not using cloud storage, I'm not sure. best to do it on a PC/Mac as I don't think android supports multiple vaults yet.

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I use it only on mobile with Dropbox.
    I still have old folder 1Password.legacyagilekeychain ( with all data I hope)
    When I reinstall found just optvault. ( to what I should rename optvault?)

  • SuperSpooner
    Community Member

    Rename the 1Password.opvault to 1Password.opvault.backup"
    Then rename 1Password.legacyagilekeychain to 1Password.agilekeychain

    Reinstall the app which will then find the old keychain vault

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I renamed these 2 folders..
    When I reinstalled new version 7.0.4 old keychain was found.. but still with no data! And I was asked to convert to optvault.. I cancelled

    I reinstalled old version 7.0 beta13
    Old keychain was found... and finally all data show up !!! Thank you.
    Can I now delete opt backup folder? When I will be able to use new version 7.0.4 which will work ok?
    Warm regards.. ( but hopefully I got all data back:)) )

  • SuperSpooner
    Community Member

    On mine, 7.0.4 works fine with keychain but you get the nagging conversion message every time it opens (press "not now")
    If you don't want the nagging message, you need to use 6.8

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    Going to delate backuped opt folder... and reinstall new version to see if all data will be shown..if not will use again old app

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    New version 7.0.4 never show me all data even if I use old chain ( old or converted to opt)
    Now I still use old v app.

  • Thanks for the help, @SuperSpooner!

    @PowerUser, can you let me know what item types you're missing? Are these Logins or are they another type of item? Is the total number of items in your vault lower after converting?

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    After converting Cca 10% of Secure notes are missing and cca 80% of Logins. Some of them show just name , no passwd and other notes..

    Then I deleted new converted opt file and try with old chain but still didn't show all..almost the same.
    ( I use Sam. G. Note 8)

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    With 7.0 beta13 works perfect

  • Thanks @PowerUser. Were you able to convert the data using beta 13?

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I could Use the opt file converted from 7.0.4 in beta 13... ( but didnt work properly)
    But I started with old file in beta 13 and I was not asked to convert to opt. Think it's not possible

  • Thanks @PowerUser. Do you have access to a Mac or PC, and if so, does it have 1Password installed?

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I use 1passwd only on mobile..sync with dropbox

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PowerUser: I think what Peri is trying to ascertain is which devices are you syncing data with using Dropbox?

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    I use only Samsung G.Note 8 (SM-N950F) sync with Dropbox. 1passwd is only installed on mobile.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PowerUser: Yes, you mentioned that. But do you have any other devices at all where you can access Dropbox?

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    If i dont have mobile or if i need i Use dropbox online via pc or mac.. ( but always online)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PowerUser: It would be great to know the OS version of the computer you could use to convert your 1Password data instead so I can give you the correct instructions.

  • PowerUser
    Community Member

    Os Mojave 10.14

  • Thanks @PowerUser. I'd like to have you install 1Password on your Mac in order to convert the data there. Can you please install Dropbox on the Mac if you haven't already? Then link it to your Dropbox account so that it syncs all of your data.

    Then go to Dropbox, find the 1Password.legacyagilekeychain vault, and rename it to 1Password.agilekeychain. Install 1Password on your Mac from this link:

    Then launch 1Password, and import the 1Password.agilekeychain vault when prompted to find your data. Does this convert all of your data properly?

This discussion has been closed.