How do I add more categories

Community Member
edited February 2018 in Mac

I would like to add more categories to iPassword

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Referrer: forum-search:How do i add more Catagories


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2018

    Welcome to the forum, @wlawyer7! The short answer for the present is: you can't (unfortunately). Categories are pre-determined because they take certain form in the SQLite database that's at the heart of 1Password. We chose a number of the most-used/most-popular ones, and they've worked pretty well over the years. However, I personally have gotten requests to add categories for everything from locker combinations to car registrations to insurance forms to....well, you get the idea. And I have no doubt that, for each person requesting a specific category, it would be useful. The problem is that for most users, having hundreds of categories would be mostly just clutter, and we try to avoid that when we can.

    A more-interesting idea is Custom Categories; allowing users to create and define their own categories. This would allow each person to create only those things they needed, whether that be locker combinations or gun registrations. We've been experimenting with something like that in 1Password Teams Pro, but it's not nearly ready for prime time yet. Allowing users to create their own categories has to be done in a way that anticipates all sorts of unusual use-cases and makes certain to guard against data corruption or loss, so it's something that requires a significant amount of coding and testing to get right. I can't say when you'll see such a feature or what form it will take -- but we are actively looking at it.

    I'm also sorry to have to tell you it can't be done in 1Password for Mac currently. One workaround for you may be to use Secure Notes for things for which there is currently no category. Secure Notes was in fact designed in part to serve as exactly this: a free-form place to put items you want to keep secret but which don't fit neatly into other categories. Thanks for getting in touch! :)

    ref: ZBJ-24813-273

  • wlawyer7
    Community Member

    Nice explanation. I will try Secure Notes.
    Thank you the reply

  • beyer
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2018

    @wlawyer7: On behalf of Lars (I enjoyed reading his explanation too), you're very welcome!

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help! :) :+1:


  • Gaetan
    Community Member

    I am one of those users who wold very much like to be able to create my own categories. Before jumping onboard, this AgileBits support document lead me to believe that I could create my own categories:
    Has 1P ever allowed the users to create their own categories?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2018

    @Gaetan - I'm curious to know what you saw in that document that led you to believe you could create custom categories? One of the things we work very hard on here is our documentation. We're well aware that how things are phrased can often lead some people to interpret it in ways we did not intend, and which might even be potentially bad for them -- so we try to minimize the chances of that when we can.

    For the record, there has not ever been an ability to create custom categories in 1Password except if you've had a 1Password Business account and been willing to turn on beta features -- we've been experimenting with it there for a while now. It's not ready to roll out widely just yet, and when it does it will likely be Business-account only at least for a while, but you may see something like it trickling down to other account-types in the future.

  • Gaetan
    Community Member

    You are absolutely right Lars about not being able to create new categories. At the time of my post, I had yet to create a new entry in my private vault. At that time, my sole objective was to export my information out of KeePass and import the entries in 1P. I managed to do that using the convert_to_1p4 process available on your web site. Only after my KeePass entries had been imported into 1P that I then tried to categorize them only to find out that I could not move my entries between the 4 base categories in my private vault. On a different thread I learned that when you create a new entry with the "+" button, you then get to choose one of the 18 available categories for the new entry.
    However, the sigh of relief about the count of categories was short lived since I also leaned in that other thread that 1P does not let you move/copy entries between categories. So I have two choices; keep using 1P with all of my KeePass entries stuck in the Logins category or manually re-create my 300+ entries and select one of 18 available category. I know that I can get some form of structural organization using the tags but I rather use categories and be able to move my KeePass entries out off the Logins category and into different categories.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Gaetan - oh, certainly! I'd want to use Categories for that instead of Tags myself. You may want to check out @MrC's thread on converting data to 1Password, as it's full of good advice on this topic. I'm not personally familiar with importing from KeePass specifically, but were you exporting from KeePass X on a Mac or KeePass 2 on a PC? The former does not have the ability to export XML, but it can export to KeePass 2 (PC) format. If you have KeePass 2 on a PC, it's best to do your exporting there, as the resulting XML file has greater compatibility with 1Password.

  • Gaetan
    Community Member

    I did use MrC instructions and successfully exported KeePass 2 on Windows to an XML file. The KeePass folders structure got nicely converted to 1P tags. No issue with the process. It is just that I feel constrained with the limitations of fixed categories for the reason you clearly explained (SQLLite). MrC also explained that it would be a non-trivial challenge to copy/move 1P entries between categories due to fixed data fields that are different between categories. I can only hope that a future "customer" version of 1P will offers some flexibility with the category related operations (custom cat. and copy/move entries).

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @Gaetan - we're always looking to improve 1Password, and certainly importing from other password managers is an area we could do better in. For us, it's almost always a matter of time and priorities, rather than lack of interest. There are a lot of things we'd like to do, given unlimited developer hours. But we do't have those, unfortunately, so it becomes a matter of which issues need attention most (due to security or other concerns), which will have the greatest impact on the largest number of users, which are most requested, and many other factors. I'll definitely pass along your wishes and experience, however. Thanks for sharing them. :)

  • Garysid
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info.
    I use Tags as my way of creating additional user defined catagories.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Tags are indeed a possibility tool. Thank you for the suggestion @Garysid!

    (And welcome to the forum :) )

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