Safari Browser Extension 4.7.3 with 1Password 6.8.9 won't auto fill

Community Member

I'm running Safari 12.0.1 in macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. The Browser Extension used to work just fine in the Safari and Chrome but now doesn't work in either. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the browser extension several times, no luck.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nopretenders - I'm sorry for the trouble, but without a little more information, it's difficult to say what might be wrong and what suggestions we might offer to help right it. Can you please tell us:

    1. What specific version of 1Password for Mac you're running
    2. What specific version of 1Password browser extension your running in both Chrome and in Safafi
    3. How you sync your data (iCloud, Dropbox, 1Password account, etc).
    4. anything else you think that might help us find the answer - anything changed recently on your system, updates to any of the related components, odd behavior, etc.

    Thanks! :)

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    Thanks for getting back to me:
    I'm running 1Password 6.8.9
    Safari Browser Extension 4.7.3
    I sync with iCloud
    I'm running Safari 12.0.1 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nopretenders - thanks for the additional information. When you say "used to work just fine," what do you mean? Last night? Last week? A month ago? What's changed on your system since the last time you recall it working?

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    Thanks for getting back to me:
    I'm running 1Password 6.8.9
    Safari Browser Extension 4.7.3
    I sync with iCloud
    I'm running Safari 12.0.1 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    upgraded to Safari 12

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nopretenders - if you recently upgraded to Safari 12, that's likely to be the problem; we've currently got an issue with the extension authorization prompt page on our website that should get launched the first time you try using 1Password with a new or cache-flushed/reinstalled copy of Safari. When you say "not working," what do you mean: it's grayed out? You can click it but nothing happens? Can't save items but can fill? Something else?

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    A couple problems, the first time I launch Safari it always goes to the 1password website instead of the site I'm trying to access. The second time I try it goes to the site I'm trying to access but will not auto fill. Chrome and Firefox both continue to work correctly.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nopretenders - that'll be the issue I mentioned, then: a problem with the extension authorization prompt page on our website. What's happening is that because Safari 12 is new, it's never authenticated the browser extension with the main app. That's what it's trying to do. But because of this issue with that page, it gets redirected to our home page, and also because it wasn't successful, it won't connect to the mini and therefore won't fill.

    I don't have a solution on the server side for this yet, but we've found that if you do this in a Private Browsing window, it should still work. Open a new private browsing window and try clicking the extension -- see if that helps.

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    Thank you, I’ll try that later today.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    Excellent work around, thank you very much, I really appreciate it! Is it possible to get on some kind of notification list so that I know when the issue has been fixed on the server-side?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nopretenders - I'm glad that worked for you! Unfortunately, we don't really have a notifications list for this. You shouldn't have to do it more than once, assuming you don't regularly clear out your browser cache. If you do, you can use the Private/incognito trick to re-authorize the browser. And as soon as this is fixed, the issue becomes moot -- you won't need to do anything further, it will just become a non-issue. However, issues of this nature are usually available in the "fixed" section of release notes, so keep an eye on updates and the notes, and you should see it there. :)

  • nopretenders
    Community Member

    Thank you, excellent customer service.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @nopretenders - thanks for the kind words! Have a great rest of your week. :)

This discussion has been closed.