can't open any http(s) or ssh links from 1password after update to Mojave

Community Member

Before the update to Mojave I was able to click on the links from 1Password (http / https / ssh) which you could find on the "website" field, and the program was able to switch to the appropriate app and fill up the details. Now however, although I still can click on the same links and 1Password changes the focus to the right app, nothing else happen, no new tab, no error message, nothing at all.

I already uninstall 1Password but my problem persist, how can this issue be fixed?

1Password Version: 7.2.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.14.1
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:can't open any http(s) or ssh links from 1password after update to Mojave


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @altrugon! I'm not quite sure what you mean: if you've uninstalled 1Password, how is the problem "persisting?"

  • altrugon
    Community Member

    I don't know, I didn't developed the app. So I'm going to assume that you are not experiencing this problem and that the only solution is to uninstall it again.

    It would be nice to have some logs to refer to, that should indicates what's going wrong.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @altrugon - I'm not expecting you to know things you couldn't be expected to know about the inner workings of 1Password; I just didn't understand you. From your follow-up, it seems you meant that you uninstalled it and then re-installed it. That wasn't clear to me from your first post.

    Did you upgrade to 1Password 7 for Mac at the same time that you upgraded to macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”)? Or were you already using version 7 when you were on macOS 10.13 (“High Sierra”)?

  • altrugon
    Community Member

    I already was on the latest version of 1Password before the upgrade do Mojave.
    I fully uninstall 1Password following these steps, however I did noticed that when I downloaded the new copy, and the installation finished, it right away asked me if I wanted to join to my "Team". This was odd as I haven't entered any input yet beside my Master Password. Did a file remain in the back burner without me noticing it? I was very thorough.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @altrugon - previously, were you using a membership (account)? Or did you have standalone 1Password data? And how much of the instructions at the link you provided did you use? That page gives instructions for completely removing all of 1Password, including all of your data and backups. Is that what you did?

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