How do I quit 1Password Mini in order to complete the upgrade

Community Member

Trying to upgrade to 1Pasword 7 for Mac. It is asking to quit Password mini but I don't know how to do it, so the installation stalls. Please help!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:How do I quit 1Password Mini in order to complete the upgrade


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    You need ctrl-option-cmd-Q within 1PW, which quits 1PW COMPLETELY. THe more common cmd-Q leaves 1PW Mini running, which is the problem.

    There are a few other ways of quitting completely too.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @MargyK! Hopefully, @danco's advice has you all squared away, but if not, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

  • MargyK
    Community Member

    Great! This solved my problem! Thanks.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @MargyK - glad to hear it! :)

  • NorthernReiver
    Community Member

    Also helped me. Quiting the programme seems to require the control/alt route as the "normal" quit via the quit option is not effective for this set up. Not sure why but that's how it is!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @NorthernReiver - I'm glad this helped you. To give you a little back-story, in version 7 (for the first time), 1Password and the mini are part of the same process. Previously, in earlier versions, that was not the case. So, in order to have the mini in your Mac's menubar, you MUST be running the main app as well. The problem is that many users don't want to see the main app in either their screen or the dock, but they DO want the mini to continue functioning in their menubar. So ⌘Q doesn't quit 1Password -- because that would also quit the mini. Instead, ⌘Q hides the main app in the dock and on your screen, but leaves it running. Only intentionally typing ^⌥⌘Q (or just holding down the Control and Option keys as you choose Quit from the 1Password menu) will fully quit 1Password 7 for Mac. Hope that helps! :)

  • NorthernReiver
    Community Member

    Thanks Lars. I’m sure this will help folks who, like me, think they HAVE fully quit 1Password mini ( version 6 ) to permit the 7 setup to proceed.... but have not and are repetatively told on screen to do so.😖
    Without realising that it’s essential to use the control/alt/etc procedure, it’s frustrating trying to set up 1Password7 when it refuses to do so!
    Hopefully this will be read by other would-be 1Password7 users and prevent much shouting at the screen...😂

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @NorthernReiver - :) :+1:

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