How to import password from Chrome, Firefox to 1password

Community Member

I have a new 1password family account and i can't find an easy solution to transfer all my passwords (Chrome, Firefox, iOS) to 1password.
I have found this solution for technicians, what do you have for non-technical users?

I hope we don't have to re-register all our passwords...

1Password Version: 7.2.581
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: windows
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited October 2018


    You are correct, the procedures required to get your data out of other apps is more technical than it should be. App developers have little incentive to let you escape their ecosystems, and therefore they often do not provide a means to do this.

    Chrome maintains its own password database. The chrome converter in the converter suite you referenced has been coded to access this database, decrypt it, and convert it into a 1Password consumable format. If you have many passwords in Chrome, it will be worth your time to just follow the steps outlined in the first post and the README.pdf - they will walk you through the job.

    Firefox also manages its own data - there are/were some exporter add-ons that can convert your login/password data to CSV, which you can then import into 1Password. I have not tried these in a while now, and I have not written a Firefox converter.

    iOS doe not make its database exportable - the only solution here is to sync it by enabling iCloud Keychain on your device, and a Mac, and then use a script such as two I wrote (GetSafariPasswords or GetSafariPasswords_Safari12) to pull them from Safari. Apple has not made this data readily available, and increasingly since Sierra has made access even more difficult.

    I see that you are on Windows - I fear your iOS passwords may have to be added to 1Password manually.

  • thierrych
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot for your quick and detail answer ;-)
    I'm going to look at all this.

  • rob

    Thanks for jumping in here, @MrC. I'm sorry it's not any easier, @thierrych. :( If you have any trouble or further questions along the way, please let us know.

  • vidarwindir
    Community Member

    is there any update for Firefox? Support for it would be really great! In my country many people (around 25% of Desktop users) still use it as daily driver. And if not, is there a step-by-step manual? I'd like to have enough time to test 1password with my browser during my just started 30 days of trail.
    Thanks :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vidarwindir: I like Firefox too, but it is a bag of hurt, as they do not offer an export feature. I've seen GitHub projects that endeavor to offer that functionality, but it's something you'd need to vet in order to make sure you're not giving your passwords to a 3rd party.

  • rob

    @vidarwindir one thing you could try is just continue using Firefox like you normally do but with 1Password installed, so that as Firefox fills in your login information, 1Password will offer to save it for you. It's not as great as importing everything right away, but it's an easy way to get your most frequent sites saved to 1Password.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @vidarwindir - I should have some time this work to work on the Firefox converter. Sorry for the delay, I've been deep into a few projects.

  • vidarwindir
    Community Member
    edited January 2019

    thanks for the replies. @brenty i actually found this project on github and got it exported:
    Now i've got an .csv with the following format:

    I was able to import it using this guide: but the format seems wrong.
    My username is now the password, my login is now the website, the title is the website.
    How can i convert the csv?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vidarwindir: It sounds like you've got the raw data, but maybe not in the proper format as far as the order of the fields. You should be able to tweak it in a spreadsheet app to get the desired result:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vidarwindir: Actually, do you maybe have only login credentials, not any of the URLs associated with them? That could be a bigger challenge for you, if URLs were not exported for some reason.

  • vidarwindir
    Community Member

    @brenty thanks! Do you have any recommendations for a spreadsheet app?

    The url is saved under hostname, renaming this field should do it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That's a tough one. Google Sheets is decent and free...but login credentials aren't something we'd want to put in the cloud unencrypted, so a local app would be better...but those often cost money. If you have one installed already, I'd use that. A lot of PCs come with at least a trial of Excel with Microsoft Office. There are probably also good free open source spreadsheet apps out there too. It's just not my area of expertise. :)

  • vidarwindir
    Community Member
    edited January 2019

    I've found "Ron's Editor", trail version supports up to 1000 Lines.
    Do i need the Field "Notes" or can i leave it empty?

    //Edit: Nevermind, I've created a copy of the URLs and just removed everything that included "http://" "www." etc. and the import worked. Got everything to the following format:

    Thanks for the support. :+1:

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @vidarwindir ,

    LibreOffice is a free, open source office suite. I'd been assuming you were on macOS.

    You should leave the notes column in your CSV if it contains useful information to you. Otherwise, just use the CSV format for Logins prescribed by @brenty above.

    If you'd prefer a customized version of the csv converter from the converter suite, I can give you one that will handle also your dates in the cells. I can probably customize it to match your column names, so that you won't have to edit the file at all.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MrC: Yes! Thank you! That was on the tip of my fingers but I just couldn't quite get it. Glad to hear that LibreOffice is still around. I haven't kept up since not having much use for office suites for years now.

    @vidarwindir: In addition to LibreOffice, I think there are also some others (probably also based on OpenOffice), but that appears to be actively developed with releases just last month so that seems like a win. :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    The 1.11 version of the converter suite now contains the Firefox converter.

  • Thanks @MrC! Appreciate all the hard work :+1:

  • ckink
    Community Member

    I am looking at a method to import my passwords in Chrome on a PC so this looks like it will do it but, I have a catch. I have a family account where there is our shared vault and my private vault so some passwords belong in the shared vault and others in my personal one. Thoughts? Thanks

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Do you have a combined set of passwords in Chrome, or do you and the other family member have separate password stores in Chrome?

  • ckink
    Community Member

    It is combined. When I click "passwords" under my profile picture in the browser, I get them, mine, and my wifes and to see them, I have enter my PC login.

  • ckink
    Community Member

    to add to this, I know who they belong to by the email address so all of the ones to my email address would go to my vault, all to the family email address would go to the shared, and all of them to my wife's would go to her vault.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2019


    I have what may be two simple solutions given this, and two questions.

    First the question:
    1. Do you also have saved credit card info as well?
    2. How should these be distinguished?

    Potential solutions:
    1. You could import into your Shared vault, and then both of you can search in 1Password for that email address, and move those to your Private areas.
    2. I could add an option to the chrome converter to match certain patterns (in the login email). Only those emails that match the pattern you supply on the command line will be exported. So you could run the converter twice, using the correct email pattern each run.

    The first one you can do now, obviously, the second I'll have to add some code and test.

  • ckink
    Community Member

    There is only information for two cards so those are easy enough to do manually. let me try your first option before you spend time on it. I would imagine other folks having similar needs though. I am working through the family set up right now and it is tricky and not as intuitive as I had hoped. We will have one shared vault using the family email address and then four private with each of our private. Sounds easy enough but getting it set up isn't as straight forward as I had hoped.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2019


    I just added the pattern matching code. It is a new option --username:

    $ perl chrome ---help
    Usage: chrome <options>
        -a or --addfields          # add non-stock fields as custom fields
        -c or --checkpass          # check for known breached passwords
        -d or --debug              # enable debug output
        -e or --exptypes <list>    # comma separated list of one or more export types from list below
        -f or --folders            # create and assign items to folders
        -h or --help               # output help and usage text
        -i or --imptypes <list>    # comma separated list of one or more import types from list below
              --notimestamps       # do not set record modified/creation timestamps
        -o or --outfile <ofile>    # use file named ofile.1pif as the output file
        -t or --tags <list>        # add one or more comma-separated tags to the record
              --username <RE>      # select only usernames matching RE pattern
        -v or --verbose            # output operations more verbosely
    Supported import types:
        creditcard login note
    Supported export types:
        creditcard login note

    and it will be used as like:

    $ perl chrome ---username 'joe@example\.com'

    to select only those (case-insensitive) entries that match the email address ** **.

    These are pattern matches, so any of these can be used too (I realize you may not know about regular expressions!):

    $ perl chrome ---username joe
    $ perl chrome ---username '@example\.com'
    $ perl chrome ---username 'e\.com'
    $ perl chrome ---username 'joe@(\w+\.)*example\.com'

    I can make the code available if you need it.

  • ckink
    Community Member

    Thank you

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited January 2019

    You're welcome.

    I've modified the implementation a bit, knowing most users don't know about regular expressions. Here's how it will work (from the change log):

    2019-01-23 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • New [chrome]
      Converter option --username <str> rejects any entry in the saved passwords list if the username in
      the entry does not match the value "str". The default is an exact string match. To match using a
      regular expression instead, surround str with slashes, with an optional trailing i to ignore case.
      Example: --username /mrc/i will match MrC and mrc anywhere in the username component.
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