How do I move an item with an attachment to the Archive vault?

Community Member

I have some items that I want to move to my Archive vault. I have no problem moving them when they have no attachment, but if there is one it just stays put. I get a message saying “One of the items you are moving has a reference to another item. This item reference will be lost in the move”. I know that this is inevitable at this time so I click Continue, since archiving means I'm not using the item anymore, but nothing happens. The item doesn't move.

Also, if I want to see the attachment while viewing the item, I click on it, and nothing happens either. I can only open it if I do a search on the title of the attachment. I also don't see how to remove the attachment from the item.

I tried to move the attachment first, and it did move to the Archive, but the item itself still wouldn't move.

Is all this normal? How are attachments supposed to work? And how do I remove it from the item so that maybe it will then accept to go to the Archive vault?

1Password Version: IPassword 7 7.2.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS Mojave 10.14.3
Sync Type: Subscription


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @EllenH - no, that's not normal; I'm not quite sure what the problem there is. You may have corrupted attachments from a previous move or...well, a few things, unfortunately.

    I also don't see how to remove the attachment from the item.

    If you don't care about the attachments themselves, then you can remove them by clicking Edit in each item with an attachment, scrolling down to the attachments area near the bottom of the record, and clicking the minus button beside each one. That should remove the attachment, so if that doesn't work, definitely let me know and we'll have to dig a bit deeper.

  • EllenH
    Community Member

    Thanks, Lars. It worked.
    Still, I don't quite get the point of attachments if they can't be tied to an item and moved from one vault to another together. Or is this just a limitation for the ones that have been imported from a previous version of 1P?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @EllenH - to be clear, if you're moving items from one standalone vault to another, you should be able to do that and retain the attachments. I'm guessing it may have been because one or more of your attachments became corrupted at some point, which is why they weren't able to be moved. Glad you got a satisfactory solution!

  • EllenH
    Community Member

    If I understand correctly, I should be able to move items to the archive vault without deleting the attachment, but the link between the two (item and attachment) will necessarily be lost. I tried again today. While viewing a login item, I clicked on the contextual menu "Move to vault > Archive". A dialog appeared saying "Item reference found - One of the items you are moving has a reference to another item. This item reference will be lost in the move." I clicked "Continue" and absolutely nothing happened. The item and the attachment were still in my active vault.

    Then I searched for the attachment and moved it to the Archive vault using the same contextual menu. No problem there. I checked and it is present in the Archive vault. It is viewable and downloadable. I still can't move the login item itself to the Archive using the contextual menu. The same message appears and "Continue" still does nothing. So I just dragged the item to the Archive vault in the sidebar. And it worked!

    Then I tried with another item that had an attachment. I selected both and dragged them to the Archive in the sidebar. No problem. They are now both in the Archive vault. The link has been lost and the login item tells me: "Imported Attachment (Deleted item)". This is not accurate, it isn't deleted, it is just unlinked.

    Anyway, my point is, I have found a way to move both items and attachments to the Archive vault in one step. But the fact that the contextual menu does not work to do the same thing is not normal. A little bug?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @EllenH,

    Thank you for the update! It is possible this could be a little bug, but if this is only happening with one item, I think it's also possible that the issue is just with this item. Just for confirmation: you mentioned that a second item you tried this with worked also with the contextual menu, correct? And was this item in the same source vault?

    Thank you!

  • EllenH
    Community Member
    edited March 2019

    Hi @Ag_ana

    The problem I described is not limited to one or two specific items. I was cleaning up old logins flagged by Watchtower as having "Weak passwords" and came across a good number of very old and unused logins for sites that don't exist anymore or that have changed their systems and don't recognize my login anymore. So I wanted to send them to the Archive vault item by item as I checked them out. I only have two vaults, Active and Archive.

    I just did the same again now to be sure with another old item (about 10 years old…). The Login item has 2 attachments. If I select the three linked items together and use the contextual menu to try to send them to the Archive, I get the message described above. I click "Continue" thus accepting to lose the links between the items. Nothing happens. If I try to do the same after selecting only the login item (without the attachments), same thing. But if I act only on the attachments, the contextual menu works with no warning message. Once the attachments have been moved, the login item itself, now without attachments in the Active vault, still can't be moved with the contextual menu. So I moved it by dragging to the Archive in the sidebar.

    This is not just a passing problem with one or two items. It has been repeating for a while and I only decided to write about it when it really started to annoy me. But as I said, since I realized that dragging to the sidebar menu works, I'm not annoyed anymore :)

    By the way, could you please delete my two duplicate messages (March 21) above. There should obviously be only one. I was interrupted a number of times while writing and posting my message and since it didn't appear immediately in the topic, I must have thought I hadn't sent it.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @EllenH,

    Thank you for the additional details! I will run some tests here and see if I can reproduce this. In the meantime, I am happy that you found a workaround already though :)

    By the way, could you please delete my two duplicate messages (March 21) above. There should obviously be only one. I was interrupted a number of times while writing and posting my message and since it didn't appear immediately in the topic, I must have thought I hadn't sent it.

    Done :+1:

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @EileenH!

    As promised, I have run some tests on my machine, and every time I was able to move items using the contextual menu. So far I haven't been able to reproduce the issue here I am afraid.

    Perhaps there is something different between your configuration and mine. Are both your vaults using the same sync method? And which sync method is it, so I can try to give this one more try?

    Thank you!

  • EllenH
    Community Member

    Hello @ag_ana,

    I haven't had the time to do any cleaning up since my last message in March. Today, I started again and found that now my problem is gone. I can move items to the Archive vault with the contextual menu, and if I search for the attachment I can select both and move them together to the vault with the contextual menu.

    To answer your question, I have a subscription and am using it for syncing since last August. Before that, I used Dropbox, but have always synced both vaults together. Anyway, the problem I had will probably remain forever a mystery since it is now gone, hopefully for good.

    Thank you for your support.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @EllenH - hmmm, I'm going to say "all's well that ends well" for this one, since it's darn near impossible to troubleshoot a problem that was happening but now is not. Keep an eye on things and let us know if the problem recurs, and we can continue investigating if necessary. Cheers! :)

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