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Change the method of syncing.

Community Member

Here is the background. I purchased 1Password from the Mac App Store 05/25/14 for $49.99. My wife and I each have an iPhone and an iPad and use the MacBook Pro as 2 separate users. We each have a separate iCloud account for backing up and syncing. We have 1 vault in 1Password and share all the information. When we originally set up the syncing there were only 3 options (iCloud, network, or dropbox) and we selected dropbox. iCloud wouldn't work because of the 2 cloud accounts and we did some traveling, so all of the devices where not always in the same network. My current issue is caused by Dropbox announcing in March of 2019 that there will be a 3 device limit going forward. We are currently ok with our present 5 devices because they were linked prior to March of 2019, but we plan to get new iPhones and we will be over the limit when we try to link any new devices. Dropbox offers an upgrade to Dropbox Plus for $99.00 a year, but we don't use them for anything but syncing. I have tried to research this issue and am looking for suggestions and any help going forward. The other thing that I found in my research is the availability of 1Password 7 released in May 2018. 1Password 7 looks state of the art and probability worth while. I see that I could purchase a standalone license directly from 1Password, but I don't see any advantage to doing that unless I was going to continue to sync with Dropbox. It seems that my best option might be to purchase a Family membership through the Mac App Store for about $60.00/year, which would solve my syncing issue and also include 1Password 7 at no additional charge. Please comment, correct, or offer any new suggestions.

Thank you,

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @tomlang The 1Password Family subscription is probably what you want. Some specs and info here: hth

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tomlang!

    I agree wth vplewis. For your needs, I definitely recommend 1Password Families. All the devices you need are included for free (you get the latest version of the 1Password app on every platform), sync happens automatically, backups are taken care of straight away, everything you would expect is there. You get storage for secured documents, item history, watchtower, travel mode, and ease of sharing with your family, which looks perfect for your needs.

    I hope this helps!

  • tomlang
    Community Member

    Thanks for your comments. I'm a little unsure of the exact procedure to add a Family Membership and upgrade to 1Password 7. 1Password's article on upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac in support suggests that because I originally installed 1Password from the Mac App Store I should get the upgrade from the Mac App Store as well, but it requires a membership. Do I get the Family Membership first and where from (Agilebits, Mac App Store, or iOS apps)? The article states that 1Password 7 is a separate download, so what do I do with 1Password 6 when I'm done. also how do I get the latest version of 1Password on my iOS devices. It looks like I have to sign into my 1password account on each iOS device after I purchase the Family Membership. As I mentioned we have the MacBook Pro, 2 iPhones, and 2 iPads. Would you please describe proper sequence and necessary events to accomplish this task.

    Thank you,

  • photoagent101
    Community Member

    Hi -- I too am reconsidering my options after Dropbox has limited devices. I have been using 1Password v6.8.9 and earlier versions (on older Macs and W7 machines, Macs as old as OS 10.9 or 10.10). I have been syncing using Dropbox. I have questions about your individual membership. Will syncing with your membership basically be syncing to a file in your cloud? Is that what refers to in another forum? What happens if I am offline with my Android phone -- will I have a local copy of 1Password that I can refer to? I guess my question is whether I will see any difference in usability. Right now I like being able to see my copy of 1Password.opvault in my Dropbox folder and knowing that I can back it up manually if I need to. When I am offline with my Android phone or iPad, I like being able to use 1Password locally to look up passwords if I need to. Thanks.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    I'm a little unsure of the exact procedure to add a Family Membership and upgrade to 1Password 7. 1Password's article on upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac in support suggests that because I originally installed 1Password from the Mac App Store I should get the upgrade from the Mac App Store as well, but it requires a membership. Do I get the Family Membership first and where from (Agilebits, Mac App Store, or iOS apps)?

    I recommend creating a Membership account first, so you have all you need to start the migration. I also recommend signing up from the website. Once you have created your account this way, make sure you download your Emergency Kit
    so you have all the information necessary to then add this account to the 1Password app.

    The article states that 1Password 7 is a separate download, so what do I do with 1Password 6 when I'm done.

    Once you have created your account, please add it to your existing 1Password app. Once both of these things are done, 1Password should prompt you to upgrade to 1Password 7 so you don't have to install anything manually.

    also how do I get the latest version of 1Password on my iOS devices.

    1Password for iOS should have been upgraded to version 7 automatically, unless you are on an old version of iOS that doesn't support 1Password 7.

    If you want to check what version you are currently using, please open 1Password on your iOS device and tap on Settings in the bottom row. Towards the bottom of the window you will see the version that you have installed.

    It looks like I have to sign into my 1password account on each iOS device after I purchase the Family Membership.

    This is correct. To add your 1Password Membership to your iOS devices, please follow the steps in this guide.

    To summarize the steps:

    1. Create your 1Password Membership account in a browser
    2. Add this account to your 1Password app, the one where you will be performing the migration (probably your Mac)
    3. Move your data from your Primary vault to your 1Password Membership vault
    4. Sign into your 1Password account on your other devices to sync your data automatically
  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @photoagent101! Welcome to the forum!

    Will syncing with your membership basically be syncing to a file in your cloud? Is that what refers to in another forum?

    That's correct, from this point of view nothing changes compared to your existing Dropbox cloud sync. The difference is that, by syncing with, you don't have any limit to the number of devices you can use, and your data will use stronger encryption because it will be protected by your Secret Key in addition to your Master Password.

    What happens if I am offline with my Android phone -- will I have a local copy of 1Password that I can refer to?

    Yes, a copy of your data will be available on your devices even if you are offline (provided you were online at least once in the past of course, so the app could download your data).

    I guess my question is whether I will see any difference in usability.

    Probably, but only for the better :) We created our sync service explicitly to sync 1Password data, so it's optimized for it.

    I hope this helps!

  • tomlang
    Community Member

    Hi ag_ana

    Thank you for your timely response and detailed explanation. I will proceed as you have suggested.

    Thanks again

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    You are welcome @tomlang!

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out anytime.

    Have a wonderful day :)

  • tomlang
    Community Member

    After I have purchased the Family Membership where should I download 1Password 7 from, or the Mac App Store?


  • peacekeeper
    Community Member

    Hi Tom,

    that does not really matter, both versions offer the same features and security.
    Due to the review-process the latest version often is available a little later via the MacAppStore in comparison to the direct download version.

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    @tomlang: peacekeeper is correct, you can download the app from where you prefer, but the direct version does get updates faster than the Mac App Store version.

This discussion has been closed.