1Password mini not scrolled to the top matches for current website

Community Member

Please consider below bug report for improvement.

Sometimes we have multiple logins for the same domain. E.g. different user accounts.
If 1Password cannot automatically fill a login form upon pressing the shortcut keys, it will popup the mini view to select the right one.

Expected behavior:

If 1Password can auto-fill without manual selection if there is a single match, I expect that in the case of multiple clear matches, I would get a list with those matches at the top, the topmost one highlighted, ready to select using arrow up/down and enter key.

Observed behavior:

The issue is that, even though the logins matching the current website ARE at the top of the list, the list is often scrolled way down. Apparently to the last login I used previously.

So if I logged on to site A before, then move to site B for which I have more than 1 login, the popup will appear with site A still selected. I then have to scroll way up (we have many sites in our 1Password) and click to select the right one. This is much slower than a quick keystroke to select the right login.

1Password Version: 7.2.5 / 7.3 beta
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mitchdesign! Welcome to the forum!

    Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to to share this feedback! We appreciate every idea that could make 1Password even better.

    I have tried reproducing this but things seem to be working here, but it's possible I might have followed different steps than you. Can you please send me exact steps to reproduce so I can see if I see the same behavior here?

    Once again, thank you and have a wonderful day!

  • mitchdesign
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    I am trying to narrow it down. Could it be related to subdomains? My company runs many servers for clients, they are located at subdomains of our company domein. E.g. client1.company.com, client2.company.com. If we have two logins for any client, the mini 1P seems to be matching all of the *.company.com items. All of the items in the left of the mini 1P are purple in this case.

    So, in my original message, "Site A" and "Site B" really are client1.company.com and client2.company.com, not two completely separate TLDs.

  • mitchdesign
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    More info: I found this post from Dave : https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/382504/#Comment_382504

    This seems to give an explanation:

    1. If a single match can be found for clientx.company.com then it will be used.
    2. If (for instance) 2 matches are found against this subdomain, then it seems like the system is return ALL matches for ANY subdomain, instead of limiting to the 2 that are matches for the subdomain.

    So it looks like, if I have 1 login for a.example.com and 1 login for b.example.com, 1P will recognize what I mean. But as soon as I have 2 logins for a.example.com, all of the example.com logins will be treated as a match to a.example.com.

    Does this make sense? And (importantly) maybe it would be good to allow this in-between step of matching behavior. I'm not sure how common a case this is but searching the forum I have found at least some questions long the same lines.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni


    I'm not sure how common a case this is

    Not very. You can definitely find other examples of it on the forum, but that's because this is where people with questions or issues come. The vast majority of our users do not have the kind of granular subdomain setup you do. Which isn't to say we can't (as Dave says in the post you linked to) continue to iterate -- and we will. But that doesn't do much for you today, and I want to be sure I'm clear it also doesn't mean that I'm promising we'll do anything specific tomorrow or the next day. Like any other feature or improvement, we have to weigh how many people want it and how much of a benefit it is in comparison to other things that are clamoring for limited developer hours, as well as several other concerns. What gets worked on isn't an exact science or simple checklist, it's more the art of the necessary and the possible combined with priorities. But regardless of what transpires, sincere thanks for bringing this to our attention and making your wishes known. :)

  • mitchdesign
    Community Member

    I totally get that, being a software developer myself. I will try to work around the issue as we experience it.

    We thought of some ways:

    • put in different vaults if one of them is only for incidental use, and exclude that one from being in 'all vaults'
    • use the 'do not suggest in browser' option to achieve the same

    Still it would be cool if somehow the behavior of "how flexible should we be in determining the same website" could be influenced. So thanks for your attention and helping me to get at the underlying issue!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @mitchdesign - you're quite welcome, and thanks once again for sharing your use-case and perspective with us. Since you're a dev, you know the drill -- you may not be able or willing to take direct immediate action on every piece of feedback...but all of it is helpful in adding up to where things head, overall. :) I like your suggestions, by the way -- and perhaps others in your somewhat-unusual situation will find them of use until we can get things more fine-tuned. Until then, thanks for your patience.

  • bnpluss
    Community Member

    Somewhat related to this post, I have found that when using 1Password mini to log into a site, often times the highlighted entry from the list is one of my identities or a credit card. I then have to scroll to the top of the list to get to the list of logins. I would love the ability to hide identities and credit cards from 1Password mini altogether. Make it mini again ;) And one last thing - I find that the keyboard shortcut (CMD-) doesn't always open 1Password mini - like on this page for instance.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @bnpluss - there are two global keyboard shortcuts related to 1Password mini -- ⌘\ fills the login on the current page, while ⌥⌘\ invokes the mini itself, under all circumstances. The former, ( ⌘\ ), should still invoke the mini if there is no saved Login item that matches the URL of the current page. But if you want to be certain of invoking the mini under any and all circumstances, I'd recommend using the second of those two commands ( ⌥⌘\ ).

    Similarly, if there are no Login items which match the current URL, focus will shift onto credit cards and identities (since these are often required to be filled). If you have multiple Login items in 1Password saved for a given site, however, and the URL for the page you're on matches the URLs you saved for those sites in 1Password, you should be offered a selection of matching Login items as your first choice and where focus remains. Hope that's helpful. :)

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