Entries created with CLI doesn't work in Private vault in native Mac App

Community Member
edited April 2019 in CLI


I noticed that entries created with my migration script doesn't work in the default Private vault of the native mac app:

  • they are listed
  • but we can't see details (pane remains empty)

Screenshots were posted in this thread: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/502737

If I create another vault, and does the import in this new vault, they work without issue.

On the website, I noticed also the following bug:

  • custom fields in sections are repeated when changing back and forth between entries
  • it happens in any vault

Strange ;)

Example of request done:

  'notesPlain': 'Notes\n',
  'sections': [
      'title': '',
      'name': '',
      'fields': [
          'k': 'menu',
          'n': 'pop_type',
          'v': '',
          't': 'type'
          'k': 'string',
          'n': 'pop_username',
          'v': 'Username',
          't': 'username'
          'k': 'string',
          'n': 'pop_server',
          'v': 'Server',
          't': 'server'
          'k': 'string',
          'n': 'pop_port',
          'v': 'Port',
          't': 'port number'
          'k': 'concealed',
          'n': 'pop_password',
          'v': 'Password',
          't': 'password'
          'k': 'menu',
          'n': 'pop_security',
          'v': '',
          't': 'security'
          'k': 'menu',
          'n': 'pop_authentication',
          'v': '',
          't': 'auth\u200b method'
      'title': 'SMTP',
      'name': 'SMTP',
      'fields': [
          'k': 'string',
          'n': 'smtp_server',
          'v': 'SMTP Server',
          't': 'SMTP server'
          'k': 'string',
          'n': 'smtp_port',
          'v': 'SMTP Port',
          't': 'port number'
          'k': 'string',
          'n': 'smtp_username',
          'v': '',
          't': 'username'
          'k': 'concealed',
          'n': 'smtp_password',
          'v': '',
          't': 'password'
          'k': 'menu',
          'n': 'smtp_security',
          'v': '',
          't': 'security'
          'k': 'menu',
          'n': 'smtp_authentication',
          'v': '',
          't': 'auth\u200b method'
      'name': '',
      'title': '',
      'fields': [
          't': 'UUID',
          'v': '5f5d0a79-9fdb-4c92-90e1-7feeba242d71',
          'k': 'string'
      'name': 'lastpass',
      'title': 'Lastpass',
      'fields': [
          'k': 'string',
          't': 'LASTPASS_ID',
          'v': '2178585565435167280'
          't': 'FOLDER',
          'v': 'xxxxr',
          'k': 'string'
          't': 'SHARE',
          'v': '_Personnel',
          'k': 'string'
          't': 'LASTPASS_FULL_NAME',
          'v': 'xxx/Email template',
          'k': 'string'
          't': 'Type',
          'v': 'EmailAccount',
          'k': 'string'

op create item login 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 --title="Email template" --tags="_Personnel" --vault="jlvfb3z67zhilf4xlxpvadm73q"

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • cohix
    1Password Alumni

    @mickael do you mean the local non-synced private vault that 1Password Mac creates for you when you aren't using a membership account?

  • mickael
    Community Member
    edited April 2019

    Oops, it looks like I have omitted the 4 spaces before the code block :blush:

    In fact, things have been largely improved since I post this.

    Thanks to your help, issues on the WEB UI are now fixed. Everything works like a charm here.

    On the Mac client side, things are getting better. Most of the migrated entries work.

    However, I have still troubles with some vaults that doesn't display entries at all.

    I have contacted the support by email with troubleshooting logs.

    Hope that I will have a solution soon, it looks like that's the final issue in my migration path.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Code block fixed.

  • mickael
    Community Member

    :+1: For those interested in this problem, the solution was to add UUID to each fields and sections in the request.

  • cohix
    1Password Alumni

    @mickael glad it worked :)

This discussion has been closed.