How do I configure 1Password IOS to use Yubikey 5Ci

Community Member


I am trying to work out how to get 1Password IOS (the native app itself, not using a web browser) to recognise and use my new Yubikey 5Ci. I have used Brave Brower to log into my 1P account and set up a new key, but for the life of me (and google fu), I cannot work out how to get 1P on my mobile to use the key (I still have to type in my master key passphrase each time I access the app).

There is also nothing in 1P help suggesting the steps to configure this.

Please help me!



  • Hi @B3c5ta

    I believe there may be some misunderstanding about the purpose of the Yubikey / 2FA with regard to 1Password. The Yubikey does not replace your Master Password. It can be used instead of TOTP for 2FA when authorizing a device. It replaces the second factor ("something you have"), not the first ("something you know" — your Master Password). Your Master Password is still used to encrypt/decrypt your data.

    If you have already authorized your device to your account then you wouldn't see any prompt for 2FA in any form (Yubikey or otherwise).

    This guide and associated video may help in understanding how to set up a Yubikey:
    Use your U2F security key as a second factor for your 1Password account
    And this paragraph explains how 2FA in general is used with your 1Password account:

    Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of protection for your 1Password account. When turned on, a second factor will be required to sign in to your account on a new device, in addition to your Master Password and Secret Key.

    (from Turn on two-factor authentication for your 1Password account)

    I hope that helps!


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