1password X not "pressing" on select.


I sent this out earlier today, but since I didn't see it posted, I'm thinking it didn't make it to you.
I have a windows 10 PC with edge v83 and 1password X extension. Below is a small html script I've used with 1password for a very long time and working fine.

But with 1password x (it was working with earlier 1password extension on windows 10 and edge), the "Select" button does not get "pressed" by 1password x. Is there something in the HTML that 1password x doesn't like that I can tweak to make it work (note HTML at bottom.. don't think javascript has any bearing on the issue).

Thanks kindly

var App; var User; var Pass; function RunApp() { var WIN; if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") == -1) alert("Site works on Windows platforms only"); else { WIN = window.open("AppRun: " + App + " " + User + " " + Pass, "_parent"); window.history.replaceState({}, TA, App); WIN.close(); } return; } function GetParams() { App = decodeURIComponent(GetInfo()["app"]); User = decodeURIComponent(document.loginform.usr.value); Pass = decodeURIComponent(document.loginform.pword.value); return; } function GetInfo() { var Vars = {}; window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(M,Key,Value) {Vars[Key] = Value;}); return Vars; }

image &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Application Login

1Password Version: Not sure how to tell. Been using edit from X ext.
Extension Version: 1.18.1
OS Version: windows 10
Sync Type: Cloud


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