What is with "Forum" and "Support"?

Community Member


I have three accounts at agilebits. One for forum.agilebits.com a second for support.agilebits.com and the third for discussions.agilebits.com

The first two forum-systems do no longer exists at the moment. Will they come back or can I delete these login data?


  • Hello Philipp,

    I'm sorry for the late reply; when we get busy we don't check the Lounge very often. And with all the excitement around 1Password 4 for Mac we've been very busy!

    Thanks for the memories; we've certainly had a lot of different forum systems haven't we? And I'm pretty sure you're missing at least one :)

    You can safely delete the old accounts. They won't be coming back, and even if they ever did, we'd import the data from this current system.

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