RFE: copy/move multiple items between vaults

1Password Alumni
This discussion was created from comments split from: How to remove/close a second vault?.


  • benfdc
    Community Member
    edited December 2013

    (I used the export/import technique as there is no move command....)

    You will find the command in Item > Share ►. This is far safer than export/import, which creates an intermediate decrypted file that must be safely disposed of (a non-trivial task in the SSD era). However, as I have noted elsewhere, there is much room for improvement in the 1Password 4.1.1 Share ► command: when multiple items are selected it should copy all of them to the secondary vault, and it should be added to the contextual (right-click) menu.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Another alternative to using Item > Share > VaultName (especially for larger numbers of items, being limited to one at a time) or export/import (exposing decrypted data) is to temporarily Folder (or Dropbox) Sync the original vault to a 1P keychain, then create a new vault from that keychain and remove any unwanted data from it.

  • benfdc
    Community Member
    edited December 2013


    First of all, it would be far, far better if Agilebits would simply fix Item > Share ► so that it functions correctly when multiple items are selected. Can you please confirm that this bug is in your tracker? Also the omission of Share ► from the contextual menu? (The rest of the stuff in my other post clearly falls in the enhancement category.)

    Secondly, I fear that your suggested workaround may suffer from the same security weakness as my old practice of using the 1P/3.x File > Export Selected ► Encrypted Web Page… function (which was dropped two years ago in 3.8.11) for secure sharing. Maybe @jpgoldberg can weigh in here.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi there, @benfdc.

    A request to share (copy/move) multiple items between vaults is in our tracker. And one for adding Share… to the context menu of selected item(s). A general bug is that certain commands unexpectedly operate on a single item of a multi-item selection.

    I'm not sure if your security weakness concern is something specific with the workaround or more general like you've brought up in prior discussions, e.g. here and here.

  • benfdc
    Community Member


    I consider that particular security weakness to be something specific, not something general, but yes, it’s the same issue. See also here.

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