How to import/migrate using .1pif when no other backup or device available?

Community Member

Pretty new to 1Password. Only installed on my laptop. Laptop was wiped and OS reinstalled this weekend by Apple store. Thought I was good on backup because I exported the .1pif. Also thought I had 1Password syncing to iCloud but apparently not. Can't figure out how to use .1pif to get my data back in. When I click that I'm an existing user it won't except the .1pif. It wants a vault. I don't want to start over as a new user if I don't have to. Please advise. Thanks in advance.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @akeortge.

    I'm sorry you had all your data wiped from your laptop. Fortunately you have that 1PIF file as a backup of your 1Password data. Note: it's unencrypted data so be sure you keep that as secure as possible. Restoring your 1Password 4 database from it is easy:

    First you do want to take the “I’m new to 1Password” path in the Setting Up 1Password 4 for Mac instructions to create a new Primary vault and Master Password (which can be your previous one or something new). Then import your 1PIF data into that vault by opening the .1pif file (e.g. double-clicking or using File > Import… to select it).

    That's all there is to it. :)

  • akeortge
    Community Member

    Awesome. That was the last thing I had to restore, so I'm fully back in business. Also, thanks for the heads up that the .1pif is unencrypted; I'll be sure to delete it from my backups and make sure I'm syncing to iCloud this time around.

  • Hi @akeortge,

    To add to what sjk said, here's the best practice for securely deleting an unencrypted 1PIF file in Finder:

    1. Empty your trash (Finder > Empty Trash). (This will ensure that only the 1PIF is securely deleted since the process takes a long time and there is likely no need to securely delete all of the items in your trash.)
    2. Move the 1PIF file to the trash (File > Move to Trash).
    3. Securely empty your trash (Finder > Secure Empty Trash).
  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    You're smart to remove unencrypted 1PIF files from unencrypted backups, @akeortge, even if they're not securely deleted. And thanks for the unencrypted 1PIF secure deletion tip, @JasperP. :)

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