Things that worked in the previous version, but I can't figure them out now.

Community Member
  1. Browser extensions don't work unless 1Password Mini is running. I can't set 1Password Mini to launch at startup, only the full 1Password. So I have to have 1Password proper launch on startup if I want my browser extensions to work immediately.

  2. I want to quit 1Password Mini, but I have to enter my master password first. Why? Any way around it?

  3. It seems that sometimes if I access a website with a saved login, but 1Password Mini isn't running, after launching Mini the website doesn't show up in the saved logins list. I have to search for it and manually fill it.

Am I crazy? Hopefully so, cause that's an easier fix than re-coding the programs. Thanks in advance!



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tims96,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling confused by 1Password 4, and I'll do my best to get things straightened out for you just as soon as possible!

    1. You're right. In 1Password 4, the browser extensions only handle the filling. 1Password Mini is required to do all of the actual heavy lifting. You can however, set 1Password Mini to continue running if the main app is closed. Please go to Preferences > General and ensure that ‘Always keep 1Password mini running’ is checked.

    2. Because 1Password Mini really is a miniature version of 1Password, it operates on the same lock settings that you have set in Preferences > Security. If the Mini is locking too frequently for you, you can adjust your lock settings to be more flexible. Generally, we do recommend that you do keep 1Password Mini running in order to ensure that you always have access to auto-filling via your browser extensions.

    3. Try using 1Password Mini to do all the hard work for you: instead of typing the URL into the menu bar, hit ⌘\ to bring up the Mini, unlock if necessary, then simply start typing the name of the URL you want to visit. Once the appropriate entry is highlighted, press 'Enter' and the site will open in a new tab and you will be logged in. :)

    I hope this helps, but if you have further questions, please let me know!

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