Chrome extension no longer offers to update saved logins or create new logins


I've noticed this for a few months now, actually since updating to Windows 10 now that I think about it. When creating a new account or updating an existing password in Chrome 45.0.2454.101 , I no longer get the popup to save the new or updated login. This happens whether 1password is locked or unlocked.

I tried to save a new login just now for where I don't yet have a login saved. The first time, I made a mistake, it asked me "do you want to save your password?" and I clicked "not now", intending to create a new login afterwards. I reset my password since I didn't know my password anymore (with a generated password), but it didn't suggest to remember the new password for the website. I then logged out and logged back in with the new password, and it didn't suggest to store it again. I then went to the homepage (where it suggested me to store the login the first time), tried to login again, and again, it didn't suggest to store the login. The password was saved as a "generated password", however.

I then tried to save another login that hadn't been saved before, for I did know my username and password this time, and this time it did ask me to save the login the first time. I then changed my password in the settings screen, but again it didn't ask me to update the login. The password was again saved in "generated passwords", so I could at least recover it from there.

This repeats for all my accounts that I've tried to update or save recently. I had to manually update my saved Google password, I have several generated passwords for job sites that weren't properly saved as a login and which I still need to manually save. It didn't ask me to save those logins at any time. It's really starting to become annoying.

If you need any more information to solve this, please ask.

1Password Version: 4.60.586
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @nzall,

    This may be a bug we've just fixed a while ago in our betas. Would you be willing to test the beta to see if it is working better for you?

    If yes, here's how to test the beta:

    1. First, open the main 1Password app, unlock, and click on the Preferences button to go to the Updates section.
    2. Check the box next to Include beta versions and press OK to save the change.
    3. Now, go to the Help Menu > Check for New Version to install the latest beta.

    Once you do that, update to the latest 1Password beta extension in Chrome:

    1. Open Chrome, right-click on the 1Password icon to select Remove from Chrome
    2. Go to the Chrome Web Store to search for 1Password Beta or click here. Install the extension and restart Chrome

    Now, try and see if 1Password is working better on saving your new Logins.

  • TheDetective
    Community Member

    I had the same problem with the latest stable release of 1Password 4 for Windows, but after installing the latest beta version of the desktop program it starting asking to update passwords again as it should. It still does not work when I change my Google password, though. I also tried the beta version of the browser extension, and it seems to neither fix anything nor break anything for me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @TheDetective: Sorry for the inconvenience! I'm glad to hear that the beta resolved the autosave bug for you. We're still working on improving this on individual sites. keep an eye out for updates! :)

  • Nzall
    Community Member

    From what I can tell, it seems to work now. I could save my login for a certain MMO without issues with a non-generated password, and it asked to update the existing password properly after I updated my password.

  • That's super great to hear, thanks for letting us know. Hopefully, we can ship the fix soon for everyone assuming our testing hasn't found any new bugs.

  • ablev
    Community Member

    I was also having this issue with not being prompted to save passwords (Windows 10, 1Password, Chrome 46.0.2490.71 m (64-bit), latest extension), and upgrading to the beta extension solved the problem for me.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome! Thanks for confirming. We'll continue testing the betas so that we can get this and other fixes out to everyone! :chuffed:

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