TextExpander does not work in Secure Notes

Community Member
edited January 2016 in Mac

I use TextExpander while typing my secure notes. In particular, I insert date and time in the revision history of my secure notes. This does not work anymore because Secure Input is enabled by 1Password v6. Can this be made an advanced option that I can turn off Secure Input on my Secure Notes?

1Password Version: v6.0
Extension Version: v4.5.2
OS Version: OS 10.10.5
_Sync Type:_Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @RFBrost: If there's another option in the future, it's certainly something we can consider. However, I don't think this is a change we'll be reverting. If TextExpander can read the fields, so can any other app on your system. We all trust 1Password to protect the data stored in our vaults, and we'd rather not wait until data collection malware is common on OS X to put these safeguards into place. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the security of all of our customers is much more important than compromising on this and putting people at risk.

  • kstrauser
    Community Member

    I really, really don't like this change. I understand why you've done it, but it's a real regression in usability.

    Because 1Password won't let me create custom field labels, I've used TextExpander to create expansions for "security question", "security answer", etc. so that I can have each of those on their own line for easy copy-and-pasting. I already missing that ability.

  • Hi @kstrauser,

    Because 1Password won't let me create custom field labels, I've used TextExpander to create expansions for "security question", "security answer", etc. so that I can have each of those on their own line for easy copy-and-pasting.

    1Password for Mac has allowed for creation of custom sections with custom fields since version 4. I use this approach for security questions and answers myself.

    As you can see in the above item I created to illustrate this, you can create a custom section in edit mode and set questions as text fields and answers as password fields. I then use the "Words" part of the Strong Password Generator to create and record a lie for my answer to the question.

    Even better, when viewing the item you can simply click on one of the answer fields to copy it to the clipboard.

    I hope this helps!

  • kstrauser
    Community Member

    OK, I phrased that poorly. Yes, I know about (and use extensively) the custom fields almost exactly as you describe, but 1Password won't let me make a template for such a section so I have to manually type "Security Questions", "question", "answer", and other related labels. Up until last week I'd been using TextExpander to make that a little bit more automated. I was surprised to find that being unable to do that now was a feature and not a bug.

  • @kstrauser Ah, I understand now. I can definitely see how that would be helpful (I'm an avid TextExpander user myself). As @brenty had mentioned earlier, if TextExpander can see the contents of 1Password, anything can. Therefore, we're now using Secure Input when in Edit mode.

    I can lobby for an advanced preference to possibly disable this, but I certain;y cannot promise it will ever materialize.

  • kstrauser
    Community Member

    I understand. As a more secure alternative, could you lobby for section templates so I could, say, click a dropdown next to an empty gray "Section" label and populate it like:

    Security Questions question: ________ answer : ________

    That would avoid the security problems, it'd make my family more likely to break stuff out nicely than to stuff everything into the Notes section, and it'd be even easier than what I was using TextExpander for. :)

  • Hi @kstrauser ,

    Customized templates something we can consider. I'll add your vote for this feature. Thanks for taking the time to send us this request!


    ref: OPM-1643

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @kstrauser: As far as custom templates, while 1Password doesn't technically have this feature, you can get the same effect by creating a dummy item to use as a template, which you can then duplicate as often as you like in order to use it as the base of a new item. It's a real time saver. :)

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