1Password browser won't fill nusenda.org [iOS filling does not work with iframes]

Community Member
edited October 2016 in 1Password in the Browser

Hi -

I'm trying to use the built-in browser on iOS 1Password (iPhone) to log in on this site: www.nusenda.org. I can do it by manually pasting in the password, but the "key" icon doesn't fill it in for me as it does on other sites. Are you able to assist?


1Password Version: 6.4.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @doug24. Thanks for your post. I'm sorry for the trouble, but this site uses an <iframe> element to show its sign in form, and right now, 1Password for iOS is not able to handle these kinds of forms. On Mac and Windows, the browser extensions frameworks handle this for us by making sure our scripts are run in each frame on the page. iOS does not do this. It is possible to dig into the iframe's document and manually perform our various checks, but this also raises some security concerns that we would need to make sure we get exactly right. You can read more about some of the security concerns of iframes here.

    We're keeping our eye on how we can support this in the future, but it would be a much better solution if iOS supported the same kind of sandboxing and script injection that Safari does on the Mac.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for your, but I hope that helps explain the situation. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits

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