1PW inconsistently completing username & password fields - Chrome on Windows 8.1

Community Member
edited September 2017 in 1Password 4 for Windows

Good day,
This is similar to post #81399

In Chrome ( 61.0.3163.79), the site is identified by 1PW but completing the username and password fields happens inconsistently. I have tried to establish a pattern to force the error but no luck thus far. It seems to happen primarily when the login details are in "subwindow" or modal popup as opposed to a straight webpage (as in logging into this forum). I have to login to a number of firewalls and this where I stick the most. At this stage, success is less than 50%.

Refreshing the site, using CRTL-ALT-\, typing random letters into the username field all work occasionally but not always. Restarting the 1PW helper doesn't always help either.

I have removed and reinstalled the extension and restarted the PC several times. It's been occurring for a few weeks now but I cannot be sure that it's linked to a Chrome upgrade.

Is there anything else that you can suggest I try?

Best wishes,

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 8.1 x64
Sync Type: Dropbox



  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Mark_O,

    Thank you for reporting this!

    We are investigating this issue right now, so if you provide us with some additional information, it will be really helpful. As discussed in #81399, could you please give us a couple of examples for such websites with popups, where 1Password extension doesn't do its job? We will try to reproduce this issue on our side and find out what is happening. Thank you!


  • Mark_O
    Community Member

    Hey Greg,

    Thanks for the reply. I was going to login to let you know that I most frequently login to Fortigate devices that all have private IPs and that I would make a note of any publicly accessible sites that I would pass on to you when it happened on the 1PW forum site. Logged on to my 1PW extension, site was top of the list but clicking didn't populate the fields. I typed the first letter of my username into the field, went back to the extension and then the population worked.

    Hope that helps you.


  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Mark_O,

    Thank you for getting back to me! I can totally understand that you cannot share any IPs or the links to the websites you visit.

    I have an idea for you to try. If you are using 1Password 4 for Windows, could you please try to use Auto-Type to save and fill the credentials on those websites and let me know how it works? Thanks in advance!


  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    I came to the forum to post about this exact issue that I've been experiencing for at least several weeks. I'm using Windows 10 and my experience is almost exactly the same as the OP. However separate pop-up or "sub-windows" don't seem to be a factor in this issue, and I am not logging into any network devices, just general websites. Here are the issues I see approximately 50% of the time (if you count having to try on the same site over and over until it works):

    • I go to a site, hit the 1P icon in the Chrome toolbar and nothing populates. I can do this a few times before something does populate, or sometimes I need to position the cursor in one of the fields and then it will populate either on the next click or after a few more tries. Sometimes I have to refresh the page.

    • I go to a site and hit Ctrl+\ (or if I right-click on a field and select 1Password) and nothing will happen and have to hit it several times, or sometimes the 1P menu will appear but will not have any recognized sites available. When this happens I generally have to try hitting the 1P toolbar button, or click around on the page, or refresh the site in order to get it to work.

    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Chrome add-in, and uninstalling 1Password and completely removing all hints of it in the registry and filesystem, then reinstalling. That didn't help but it did reinstall with all my old settings so I likely missed some fragments of the old installation. I've also tried eliminating all other Chrome plugins.

    I occasionally use Firefox and IE 11 but cannot recall if it happens with either of those. I will pay closer attention to that. I have not tried using Auto-Type yet, but this issue doesn't seem limited only to certain sites, and happens intermittently on all sites as far as I can tell.


  • Mark_O
    Community Member

    Hi @Greg

    An external site that you can check is the login page at https://www.starleaf.com/

    I enabled Auto_Type but while I always get a pop up, the field population is still inconsistent.

    I see that Chrome has incrementally updated to 61.0.3163.91 - anecdotally, I seem to have less failures now. Very subjective though ;)


  • @Robert_R: That does sound frustrating and intermittent issues are always a bit tougher to track down. I would be interested to hear if you see similar behavior in Firefox and IE. This would at least let us know if this is a more systemic issue or something that may be isolated to Chrome.

    @Mark_O: I'm glad to hear that you're seeming to see fewer issues with the Chrome update, at the very least. We'll give StarLeaf a try and see what we can find out. :+1:

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    It is rare that I use FireFox or IE so it may take some time to test those. I should say also that I have a laptop and a Windows 2016 RDP server that use the same version of 1P and I have not seen the same issues with them. I also upgraded to the latest Chrome with no improvement.

    I wouldn't mind doing a clean install of 1P and importing my data, but last time I did that it kept all my settings. Is there a way to completely wipe all settings so i start with all the defaults, then import my data?


  • @Robert_R: There is, but we try to keep that as a last ditch effort as mucking around with data always comes with some degree of risk. Given you have two other devices working properly, it does seem likely that we should be able to identify what's different here and correct it without taking that step. To start, could you let me know what version of 1Password you're using on this PC? Mark_O mentioned he's using 1Password 4, but I don't want to make any assumptions about your version just because you posted in this thread. Thanks! :chuffed:

  • Mark_O
    Community Member

    Hey @Greg & @bundtkate ,

    Today's feedback that all was well, no issues at all even on my "problem children" Fortigate logon windows. Chrome still 61.0.3163.91


  • Glad to hear it, @Mark_O! :+1: :chuffed:

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    I am using v4.6.2.626.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: Thank you for the additional info!

    I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your PC, where you have these issues:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Windows)

    Attach the Diagnostics Report to an email message addressed to support+windows@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostic Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your report in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Suapport ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Thank you very much in advance! I will be looking forward to your email.


  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    support ID is [#HSL-97164-425]

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: Thanks! I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll take a look at the diagnostics and get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: HSL-97164-425

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    Thanks. BTW, I just noticed the exact same thing happening on Chrome on my laptop, which either wasn't doing this before, or I just didn't experience it because I use my laptop so much less often than my affected desktop.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Good to know it isn't just the one. We'll see if we can figure out why!

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    Any headway on this issue? I've seen several other posts with similar symptoms but no solutions.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: We haven't identified what is causing this behaviour for some users, no. Have you tried what Greg suggested a month ago?

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    Yes, I did what Greg requested on Sept. 22.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: Sorry if I'm being dense, but do you mean that reverting to helped, or are you having the same problem with that version as well? As far as I know that has worked for everyone else experiencing this issue, so it would be helpful to know if that's not the case for you.

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    It was a little over a month ago so I am a bit hazy on the details, but I remember trying version on my desktop PC and it did not help. I know this problem began to appear more than two updates ago because every time I saw an update I was hopeful that it would resolve this issue.

    I could try an earlier version again if you want to give me a link.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: I've resent Greg's previous email. Please try what he suggested and reply there to let us know one way or the other if that solves the issue for you, or if you're still having trouble so we can investigate further.

    ref: HSL-97164-425

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    So I reverted back to and for the first few days it seemed to work much better, but as time goes on it seems to get worse on all three PCs that I am using it on. It has become more of a hassle to use 1Password than to simply type in username and passwords on sites now.

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Robert_R,

    Thank you for getting back to us! Could you please specify what do you mean by "it gets worse"? Does it work correctly at first, but then stops filling the credentials at some time? If my understanding is correct here, then it is quite strange, but please confirm it. Thanks!

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    Basically, for several days after reverting to it seemed to work well, except for a few issues here and there. Then slowly, as the days moved on, the problems with filling-in credentials slowly became more common. It has finally gotten to the point where sometimes I have to close out Chrome and end all Chrome tasks to get it to work. Sometimes hitting CTRL+\ does absolutely nothing no matter how many times I hit it. Hitting the 1Password toolbar button will bring it up but selecting the site login will do nothing or will sometimes pull-up the master password prompt after CTRL+\ has done nothing. Sometimes I have to end the 1Password task and restart it and/or the helper as well, but not very often. Rebooting doesn't seem to reset this behavior, only uninstalling/reinstalling 1Password seems to help, just for a few days.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: Thanks for letting us know. I'm sorry to hear that you're still having some trouble, but it's good to know that restarting Chrome has offered some relief. That may provide a clue. Just to clarify, you're not having to reboot Windows at all? What if you don't kill 1Password? Hopefully we'll be able to track down the root cause here.

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    I'll try to be more conscious of what works, but it's difficult because the problems are intermittent and I'm usually pretty busy while using my PCs.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Absolutely. That makes sense. I appreciate the information you provided! If you think of anything else, just let us know. But we'll continue to look into this ourselves to see if we can narrow down the cause and find a more permanent solution. :blush:

  • Robert_R
    Community Member

    I can't find any pattern to this issue. I'm wondering if it could be the Chrome and/or Firefox extensions that are causing the problem. Is there a way to roll-back or download a previous version of an extension? My Chrome extension is v4.6.12.90 and I can't find any previous versions to download.

    Honestly, this is so frustrating, and has gone on so long that I am begrudgingly looking for a replacement for 1Password.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Robert_R: You can find older versions on our update site with the release notes:


    But I don't believe an old version will work in Chrome, as Google requires the extension be downloaded through their store (which is what we link to on our own update page). There may be a way to allow it, but I thought they removed that last year...and ultimately that probably will make no difference for you, as older versions will be incompatible and all of this is handled by the app anyway.

    Based on your most recent comments, it doesn't sound like you're even having the same issue the topic of this discussion, needing to attempt filling multiple times, which reverting to build 625 resolves. If I've misunderstood, please clarify the trouble you're having. But what you're describing sounds like a known issue with Chrome disconnecting periodically when left open. That isn't something we can fix on our end, but we're in contact with with Google about this to hopefully get a solution. Are you having some problem with Firefox as well?

This discussion has been closed.