I've had 1Password standalone since v3.9.2 until v6.8.8 but v7 is broken (read only as standalone).

Community Member

I chose 1Password originally because it could work standalone (and sync over WLAN server). My security model doesn't allow passwords in the cloud, no matter how secured. The original v3.9.2 was purchased as a full standalone version via iTunes store. This worked until MacOS 1Password v6.8.8 but v6.8.8 can't WLAN sync with iOS 1Password 7.3.6 for some reason. Thus, I updated MacOS 1Password to v7.3.2 via Apple Store -- and lost all ability to edit my 1Password items on a Mac. All items show up as "Read Only" -- but WLAN sync to iOS 1Password v7.3.6 works.

How do you intend to keep me as a customer?

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.14.6
Sync Type: WLAN Server
Referrer: forum-search:I've had 1Password standalone since v3.9.2 until v6.8.8 but v7 is broken (read only as standalone).


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GNfpBxZ! Welcome to the forum!

    Have you purchased a license for 1Password 7 already and applied it to the app? Because the read-only behavior you are seeing is what the app does when it is running in unlicensed mode.

  • GNfpBxZ
    Community Member

    How do I do that without signing up for a 1Password account, which I do not want to enable?

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni


    Just make sure you download 1Password 7 from our website rather than from the Mac App Store and you will be prompted to purchase a license for it after installing it.

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