MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility (mrc-converter-suite)



    Community Member


    I tried it with the 32 bit version and got the same results. I'll try a different computer...

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I wonder if the PDL version is causing the problem. I don't use that one, just either of these:

    64bit PortableZIP edition
    32bit PortableZIP edition

    Community Member


    I tried it on a Windows 7 machine and it worked great. All 740 records imported perfectly! Thanks so much for the great utility.


  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @CTYJIM ,

    That's great news, and you're welcome.

    I sure wish I could get to the bottom of the Win10 issue. I won't have enough time to investigate for a while. So, I'm really happy you've gotten past the issue and converted / imported your records. Sorry for the troubles.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Hi @JoelHoward,

    I''ve moved your post to its own thread so it gets the attention of the AgileBits folks.

  • JoelHoward
    Community Member


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @JoelHoward: I've replied in the other discussion, so we can continue that conversation there.

  • cpeek
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    I had asked about adding the ability to import password history from Keepass. I was just wondering if you had a chance to look at that yet.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @cpeek: I don't see any reference to "password history", but I answered your question about importing data into 1Password for Teams. Can you direct me to the question you're referring to, or ask it here?

  • cpeek
    Community Member

    I was referring to a question I posted back in MrC advised he was swamped at that moment, but was going to look at adding the functionality.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Sorry @cpeek, it is still on my plate. Is this holding you back on anything?

  • cpeek
    Community Member

    No big deal - I was just checking to see if it was done and I had missed it somehow. I have a Keepass setup at work that I am waiting to convert until this feature is there. Password history is important for those passwords. I certainly can't complain as you do an awesome job at this and don't charge anything. I certainly appreciate what you do.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016


    Try out the new 1.09 package in Testing Bits. From the change log:

    • Converter keepass2 will store an entry's historic passwords (from the History element) into 1Password's Previously used passwords list.

    I'm already capturing the old field data stored in the History elements, and that could be saved in Notes. But I think this will be a lot of duplicate data. Let me know if you really want this, and I'll add it as an option.

  • bill_read
    Community Member

    I am trying to do a simple convert from OS X Keychain to 1password. I followed the instructions closely and used your Applescript conversion helper by dragging the txt file. Here is what I got after selecting the OS X Keychain converter.

    Bills-MacBook-Pro:~ WFRead$ cd '/Users/WFRead/Desktop/convert_to_1p4/' && /usr/bin/perl5.16 keychain '/Users/WFRead/Desktop/pm_export.txt' -v
    Odd number of elements in hash assignment at Converters/ line 146 (#1)
    (W misc) You specified an odd number of elements to initialize a hash,
    which is odd, because hashes come in key/value pairs.

    Use of uninitialized value in list assignment at Converters/ line
    146 (#2)
    (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were already
    defined. It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.
    To suppress this warning assign a defined value to your variables.

    To help you figure out what was undefined, perl will try to tell you
    the name of the variable (if any) that was undefined.  In some cases
    it cannot do this, so it also tells you what operation you used the
    undefined value in.  Note, however, that perl optimizes your program
    anid the operation displayed in the warning may not necessarily appear
    literally in your program.  For example, "that $foo" is usually
    optimized into "that " . $foo, and the warning will refer to the
    concatenation (.) operator, even though there is no . in
    your program.

    Examined 240 items
    Skipped 240 non-login items
    Skipped 0 duplicate items
    Imported 0 items
    Exported 0 total items

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    Use the 1.09 version in Testing Bits.

  • Jose24
    Community Member

    I am trying to convert from Pastor v1.8.2 on iMac OS 10.11.4.

    Exporting from Pastor to desktop generates a .tsv file. Converting in Excel to a .csv file seems to work but when I try to use the "CSV" convertor, I get:

    Joseph-E-Batess-iMac:~ josephebates$ cd '/Users/josephebates/Desktop/onepassword-utilities/convert_to_1p4/' && /usr/bin/perl5.16 csv '/Users/josephebates/Desktop/pastor database 3-7-10.csv' -v
    CSV column names do not match expected names

    Columns in Pastor are: Name of Entry, User ID/Name/Login, Password/Serial number/ PIN, URL, Notes



  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Hi @Jose24,

    You can use the raw TSV file created from you export and avoid the Excel conversion, if you'd like. All you have to do is change this line in the Converters/ file:

                sep_char => ',',


                sep_char => "\t",

    This changes the separator character from Comma to Tab. I will someday just make this an option.

    You will have to edit the column names in your TSV file to match those required by the converter, as per the README:

    ● CSV
    This is a generic CSV converter which currently handles Logins. Construct the CSV in a spreadsheet program - it must have the following columns: Title, Username, Password, URL, Notes. It may also have a column named Tags. Ensure the first row is a column header with those names (case does not matter). You may add additional columns, and their titles will be used to create custom fields in the entry, and the corresponding values will be stored in these fields (do not use the reserved column names mentioned above). If there is a Tags column, the cells should contain any number of comma-separated values to be stored into 1Password’s Tags.

  • Jose24
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info. That worked. Columns don't have to be in the same order either.

  • nicofr83
    Community Member

    I'm trying to use the keychain converter. I can not paste elements copied from the keychain iCloud to the newly created local-icloud. After entering the password (which is good), I got an error message: An error has occurred. "Unable to add an item to the current keychain. The contents of this item cannot be retrieved". I tried to copy only one item, selecting different kind of elements, but I always got this error message. Any ideas ???

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    @nicofr83 ,

    I believe this problem can happen when there are Keychain version mismatches. This thread helps one user. I've experience the same during testing, but I had to actually disable iCloud Keychain support on the device I was trying to copy to, and then re-enable it to get it to work. I didn't spend much time trying to understand the problem, however.

    If this doesn't help, search Google for the error phrase you get, and see if any of the found advice helps.

  • Stephanie_Roux
    Community Member
    edited May 2016

    Hello, I seem to be having a problem with this program. I got up to the part where you have to input
    perl name_of_converter -v ..\name_of_export_file
    The name of the text file exported from SafeInCloud on my Desktop is pm_export.
    I have been trying to enter (one at a time)
    perl safeincloud --verbose pm_export , perl safeincloud -v pm_export , and
    perl safeincloud -v ..\pm_export

    I keep getting the following errors after inputting the above command(s)
    Unable to open file: pm_export
    No such file or directory

    I am currently running Windows 8.1 64-bit with Admin privileges using version of Strawberry Perl 64-bit Portable.
    Any help would be appreciated. :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Hi @Stephanie_Roux ,

    Most likely your export file has a file suffix, but Windows is not showing it to you. Use the Windows command line to help you auto-complete the file name. Do this - enter the partial command:

    perl safeincloud -v ..\pm_export

    but don't yet hit Return or add a Space after the t in "pm_export". Instead, hit the Tab key and the command shell should complete the file name for you (maybe it is pm_export.txt, or pm_export.csv). If it completes, hit Enter. If not see if you can discover the full name of the file by right-clicking it and selecting Properties.

  • Stephanie_Roux
    Community Member


    Thank you so much!! I've been stuck for about 3 days. Once I hit tab, the command shell added .txt to the file name. I got the file 1P_import.1pif on my desktop and eventually imported all my data into 1Password successfully.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    @Stephanie_Roux ,

    Fantastic, but I'm so sorry you had to devote so much time! I applaud your deep perseverance!

    Enjoy 1Password.

  • Donaldd
    Community Member

    Hi. Thank you for creating this tool for converting these databases:)

    For now, I'm trying to convert Safe In Cloud's XML to 1password, however no matter I use the 1.08 or 1.09 version, the import items are always 0.

    It is said that:
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at Converters/ line 116 (#
    (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were already
    defined. It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.
    To suppress this warning assign a defined value to your variables.

    To help you figure out what was undefined, perl will try to tell you
    the name of the variable (if any) that was undefined.  In some cases
    it cannot do this, so it also tells you what operation you used the
    undefined value in.  Note, however, that perl optimizes your program
    and the operation displayed in the warning may not necessarily appear
    literally in your program.  For example, "that $foo" is usually
    optimized into "that " . $foo, and the warning will refer to the
    concatenation (.) operator, even though there is no . in
    your program.

    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at Converters/ line 141 (#
    Use of uninitialized value $icon in exists at Converters/ line
    191 (#1)
    Imported 484 items
    Exported 1 creditcard item
    Exported 45 note items
    Exported 437 login items
    Exported 1 passport item
    Exported 484 total items
    You may now import the file C:\Users\donald\Desktop\1P_import.1pif into 1Password

    It seems that the conversion is done, but 1password always told me that "You have imported 0 item(s)"

    Any ideas?

    P.S: Thanks to the "not-yet-available" Family-Plan-Friendly 1password on Windows 7, I may still need to figure out how to import the files to my 1password.....

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Donaldd,

    Can you tell me the version number of SafeInCloud you are using on WIndows?

    It looks like the converter is tripping up on reading the XML file, so I'm thinking perhaps you have a version newer than the 2.8 version I used to test with. I may have to make some adjustments.

  • Donaldd
    Community Member

    Hi, @MrC I'm using the 3.8.1 (portable) version of SafeInCloud
    It seems that there's a big gap between 2.8 and 3.8 :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    I'll take a look tomorrow at the differences in the exports. Hold tight....

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Donaldd,

    There seems to be no difference in the newer SafeInCloud's XML export.

    The warning you received from Perl was not a problem, but I've updated the safeincloud converter to avoid it. The code was already doing the right thing, but newer versions of Perl are more chatty about older behaviors.

    It appears from the output the converter did convert your items properly. So the question is why 1Password failed to import these items in the 1PIF.

    Can you tell me which version of 1Password you are using? I had no problem doing a conversion on Windows 7 and importing into 1Password for Windows 4.60 Beta 605.

  • Donaldd
    Community Member
    edited May 2016

    Hi @MrC
    I tried both 1password on Windows 7 and the latest ios version (it seems that .1PIF could be imported from itunes), but none of them could import the converted 1pif file...

    EDIT: Just tried 4.6.0.BETA-605, but still 0 item.
    Maybe it is because of the Chinese characters in my entries or the attached pics?

This discussion has been closed.